
Chapter 7 Instructions
Practice Problem 14
Due Week 5 Day 6 (Sunday)

Follow the instructions below to submit your answers for Chapter 7 Practice Problem 14.

1. Save Chapter 7 Instructions to your computer.
2. Type your answers into the shaded boxes below. The boxes will expand as you type your answers.
3. Resave this form to your computer with your answers filled-in.
4. Attach the saved form to your reply when you turn-in your work in the Assignments section of the Classroom tab. Note: Each question in the assignments section will be listed separately; however, you only need to submit this form one time to turn-in your answers.

Below is an explanation of the symbols in Chapter 7, Practice Problem 14.

M = Mean
S2 = Population Variance
SM = Standard Deviation of the Distribution of Means
t = score for your sample
t needed = cut-off score that establishes the region of rejection (also known as the critical value)
Decision: Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null (select only one)

Read Chapter 7 Practice Problem 14 in your text book and then type your answers beside into the shaded boxes below. Note: I need help writing my essay – research paper provide only those answers indicated below, nothing more. You do not need to show your work. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

M =

S2 =

SM =

t =

t needed = +



Chapter 8 Instructions
Practice Problem 18
Due Week 5 Day 6 (Sunday)

Follow the instructions below to submit your answers for Chapter 8 Practice Problem 18.

1. Save Chapter 8 Instructions to your computer.
2. Type your answers into the shaded boxes below. The boxes will expand as you type your answers.
3. Resave this form to your computer with your answers filled-in.
4. Attach the saved form to your reply when you turn-in your work in the Assignments section of the Classroom tab. Note: Each question in the assignments section will be listed separately; however, you only need to submit this form one time to turn-in your answers.

Below is an explanation of the symbols in Chapter 8, Practice Problem 18.

N1 = number of participants in the experimental group
N2 = number of participants in the control group
df1 = degrees of freedom for the experimental group
df2 = degrees of freedom for the control group
dfTotal = degrees of freedom for both groups
M1 = mean of the experimental group
M2 = mean of the control group
S21 = estimated population variance of the experimental group
S22 = estimated population variance of the control group
S2Pooled = pooled estimate of the population variance
S2M1 = variance of the distribution of means for the experimental group
S2M2 = variance of the distribution of means for the control group
S2Difference = variance of the distribution of differences between means
SDifference = standard deviation of the distribution of differences between means
t = score for your sample
t needed = cut-off score that establishes the region of rejection (also known as the critical value)
Decision: Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null (select only one)

Read Chapter 8 Practice Problem 18 in your text book and then type your answers into the shaded boxes below. Note: I need help writing my essay – research paper provide only those answers indicated below, nothing more. You do not need to show your work. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

N1 =

N2 =

df1 =

df2 =

dfTotal =

M1 =

M2 =

S21 =

S22 =

S2Pooled =

S2M1 =

S2M2 =

S2Difference =

SDifference =

t =

t needed = +


Chapter 9 Instructions
Practice Problem 17
Due Week 5 Day 6 (Sunday)

Follow the instructions below to submit your answers for Chapter 9 Practice Problem 17.

1. Save Chapter 9 Instructions to your computer.
2. Type your answers into the shaded boxes below. The boxes will expand as you type your answers.
3. Resave this form to your computer with your answers filled-in.
4. Attach the saved form to your reply when you turn-in your work in the Assignments section of the Classroom tab. Note: Each question in the assignments section will be listed separately; however, you only need to submit this form one time to turn-in your answers.

Below is an explanation of the symbols in Chapter 9, Practice Problem 17.

S2Between = between groups population variance estimate
S2Within = within groups population variance estimate
F = statistical score that represents the ratio of the between groups to the within groups population variance estimate
F needed = cut-off score that establishes the region of rejection (also known as the critical value)
both groups
Decision: Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null (select only one)

Read Chapter 9 Practice Problem 17 in your text book and then type your answers into the shaded boxes below. Note: I need help writing my essay – research paper provide only those answers indicated below, nothing more. You do not need to show your work. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

S2Between =

S2Within =

F =

F needed = +


Chapter 11 Instructions
Practice Problem 11 and 12c & 12d
Due Week 5 Day 6 (Sunday)

Follow the instructions below to submit your answers for Chapter 11 Practice Problem 11 and 12c & d.

1. Save Chapter 11 Instructions to your computer.
2. Type your answers into the shaded boxes below. The boxes will expand as you type your answers.
3. Resave this form to your computer with your answers filled-in.
4. Attach the saved form to your reply when you turn-in your work in the Assignments section of the Classroom tab. Note: Each question in the assignments section will be listed separately; however, you only need to submit this form one time to turn-in your answers.

The following link provides a tutorial on creating graphs in Excel for Chapter 11, Practice Problem 11.

***Note: There is no template for Problem 11. Each student will create an excel document on which the scatter graphs are created. The excel document will be turned in as an attachment as if it were a template.

Or you can click on the Classroom tab after you sign-in to your UoP account and then click on Materials  Excel Resources  Graphs. An Excel tutorial will open with instructions on how to create graphs in Excel.

Below is an explanation of the symbols in Chapter 11, Practice Problem 12c & 12d. Note: Instructions for Practice Problem 12c & 12d begin in the second portion of Problem 11 on page 479 in your textbook (above problem 12).

r = score that represents the correlation coefficient
t = score that determines the significance of the correlation coefficient score
t needed = cut-off score that establishes the region of rejection (also known as the critical value)
both groups
Decision: Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null (select only one)

Read Chapter 11 Practice Problem 12c & 12d in your text book and then type your answers into the shaded boxes below. Note: I need help writing my essay – research paper provide only those answers indicated below, nothing more. You do not need to show your work. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

r =

t =

t needed = +


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Research Helper
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