Chapter 13 Assignment
Each answer should be 2-3 sentences
1. What was the topic of Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel, The Jungle? What might have accounted for its popularity?
2. Why did author Jack London say that the “capitalist class has mismanaged…criminally and selfishly mismanaged”? What details/evidence/facts may have led him to that conclusion?
3. What was Taylorism and how was it a response to the concerns of big business?
4. Why did 146 Triangle Shirtwaist Company workers die in the fire of 1911?
5.What made the IWW so different from many other unions?
6. What role did the IWW play in the Lawrence strike? What role did the government play in that strike?
7. What is socialism and why were workers attracted to the idea during this era?
8. Who was Mother Jones and what her main accomplishments?
9. Who were the “muckrakers” of the earlier twentieth century?
10. Why were African Americans kept out of the trade-union movement for so long? How might their membership have strengthened the union movement?