Chapter 12
Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Topic: Access to Care, Cost of Resources, and Quality of Care Delivery remain important topics in the healthcare delivery framework.
It is Student’s Choice on the focus points impacting healthcare delivery and patient outcomes: Access, Costs, Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Care

• Students will explore (research) the latest topics focused on the importance of access to care, cost of resources and quality of care delivery leveraging improved outcomes.

(Select 2 articles of key interest to you as a professional within the past 3 years to review)
• Refer to Syllabus for Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Post & Grading Rubric located in Folio
o Part A: Overview of the Topic
o Part B: Health Care Industry Reflection & Application
o Part C: Learning Assessment
o Part D: Reply Process

The exchange of knowledge activity requires students to make a professional decision on the content to be included in the review. The submission must explain the issues in detail with clarity in the delivery format. It is important the student communicates the critical information or concepts presented in the articles. Each student will communicate their perspective of the content and expanded learning. Additional focus is on the format used to gauge engagement of the target audience by posing 3 prepared questions related to the content communicated.

Resources applied should be current (within 3 years) unless used as a foundation building reference. All resources must be evidence-based in nature, meaning from reputable healthcare/science/technology sources. Ace homework tutors – APA format required for all resources.

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