Causes of the Civil War
Your final Term Paper should be at least 6 pages of fully-typed text, with each page double-spaced, including at least 250 words and 25-27 lines using 12 point font. It should include a title page, end notes pages, bibliography page. It should be formatted using the Chicago Manual of Style, as referenced in the Rampolla text. It is worth 120 points
History 121
January 21, 2020
Thesis: Although the Northerners and Southerners both fought in the Civil War for freedom and liberty, there were differences in their reasoning for fighting. The North fought for the oppression of slavery and the South fought for their freedom of self-government.
OUTLINE: Causes of the Civil War
I. Economics of Slavery and Political Control of that System and Stare’s Rights
A. The differences between slave states and free states pertaining to the government’s power to prohibit slavery in new territories. (Foner 2017)
B. The United States would be a confederation of sovereign states or an indivisible nation with a sovereign national government
C. Would determine if the country, born of a declaration that all men were created with an equal right to liberty, would continue to exist as the largest slaveholding country in the world.
D. Timeline: 1861-1865
McPherson, James. A Brief Overview of the American Civil War. American Battlefield Trust. Retrieved January 20, 2020 from
II. Territorial Expansion
A. The South wanted to take slavery to western territories in contrast to the North, wishing to open them to white labor
B. The Republican party, who opposed slavery in the western territories was gaining prominence
C. The election of Republican Abraham Lincoln without any Southern electoral votes enraged the south and they believed they lost all influence.
D. The North hoped the South would build up industry and to employ people to work rather than using people as slaves.
E. The South felt excluded from the political system and felt that their only alternative was secession, a decision which led directly to war.
Halabi,Gina. Westward Expansion and the American Civil War. U.S.History Scene. Retrieved January 20, 2020 from
III. Secession
A. 11 states in the South cut ties with the Union
B. 21 states remained under the title of the United States and this included some border states. The other 11 states adopted to become the Confederate States of America
C. “Secession in practical terms meant that about a third of the population with substantial material resources had withdrawn from what had constituted a single nation and established a separate government” (Foner, Garraty, 2009).
Foner, Eric. John A. Garraty, (2009) Secession. History. Retrieved January 20, 2020 from
Foner, Eric. John A. Garraty, (2009) Secession. History. Retrieved January 20, 2020 from
Halabi,Gina. Westward Expansion and the American Civil War. U.S.History Scene. Retrieved
January 20, 2020 from
McPherson, James. A Brief Overview of the American Civil War. American Battlefield Trust.
Retrieved January 20, 2020 from