Intuition vs Experience in Nursing
Nurses promote a place of safety for the patients. We promote healing and wellness within the health care industry. The nurse advocates for safety, educates the patients and their family and even the community. They have a vital role in the medical field.Technology is constantly changing and is the medical field so is medicine. Always using evidence based practices, research studies and trials. There are NP’s, PA’s, doctors that walk around with a tablet in hand as they are doing rounds in a hospital, so they pretty much have everything at their finger tips versus how things were 10 or more years ago. I could see a robot or even an avatar greeting patients, checking them in at a clinic or hospital. It could be possible that the avatar may even collect patient information, provide discharge instructions to the patients. It all seems so far out however we have a machine which I believe is called “The Da Vinci” that is very similar to one playing a video game. I have seen this in action as the surgeon is not even touching the patient, it is the machines hands.
               Technology is constantly changing and we need to be up to speed with it. For example, when electronic charting rolled out, I am sure it was not a smooth transition. As with any new product that is trying to streamline things there will be some draw backs and even setbacks however in the long run it will make things run more efficiently . The nurses had to learn how to navigate through the new systems versus the old paper charting system.  In doing some research I found an article that discusses less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnostics and treatment which is to include a tattoo that will monitor blood glucose levels. The dye from the tattoo will light up when the levels get too high and when the blood sugar gets too low the colors will become dark (Huston, 2013). With changes like this it can make not only the nurses life easier but also the patient’s. They should be able to manage their diabetes easier.  With the changes in technology, nurses will be able to deliver better patient care which can contribute to a better outcome.
Huston, C. (2013). The impact of the emerging technology on nursing care. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (18)2. Retrieved from

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