Structure of a good Case in finance

1. Abstract (to be written at the end) 2. Introduction
3. Body (story, problem situation) 4. Conclusion

5. Questions

  • Count for around one hour of work for the readers to answer the questions
  • Not more than 10 questions, ideally around 4 to 6 questions
  • Questions might be in the order of difficulty (start with easy questions up to the most difficult
  • Questions should relate to a finance issue / problem / task
  • Data provided in the case should be real data
    For this work, I suggest the following schedule:
  • Week 5: Ace my homework – Write the introduction and the body – minimum 500 words
  • Week 6: write the conclusion and the questions – minimum 1’000 words
  • Week 7: write the abstract and finalize your case – between 1’000 and 1’500 words (for your
    information, the DDM PepsiCo case has around 1’800 words…your case will represent between
    2 and 3 pages including the questions.
  • Week 8: concentrate for the final assessment 🙂
    For this work, due to time constraint, I suggest that you replicate a story like the one written on the DDM PepsiCo case and that you work a case on the Dividend Discoun Model (same finance subject as for the DDM PepsiCo case)
    This work is again compulsory, and not uploading your work on the forum before the next class will imply a zero grade for this course.
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Ace Tutors
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