Upon successful completion of the Unit 8 Case Study, students will be able to:

describe the significance and advantages of implementation of change program with team environment;
examine the role of management and employees of an organization in facilitating planned change;
explore how implementation of change program in an organization can influence the Project management Office (PMO);
analyze how managerial practices and employee behaviour can affect the PMO; and
examine the steps to over resistance of change in the PMO.
Brief Description
This case focuses on understanding the process of change management within a team environment and examines the role of management and in facilitating change.

Read the case study below and answer the questions at the end of the case.

Case Study
Sridevi, C., Aarathy, M., & Madhubala, B. (2004). Improving performance through change management. IBS Center for Management Research. https://casecent.re/p/2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer8

Submission Instructions
Submission should be a maximum of 3 pages double-spaced (excluding title page and reference page) and should follow Ace homework tutors – APA referencing style.
All submissions should be done through Turnitin with a similarity level of no greater than 15%.
Unit Case Study 3 will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall. Grades and/or feedback will be made available to students no later than one week after submission.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated% of Final Grade1. Application of Case Analysis Methodology/Content (60%) a. Identified and clearly/concisely stated the problem, including the decision to be made within the context of the case./10b. Assignment Help – Summarize d the pertinent facts in the case to describe the background/10c. Demonstrated a thorough analysis supported by evidence from the case. The analysis should be guided by the case questions and should apply course concepts./10d. Identified a viable set of alternatives to solve the stated problem and effectively evaluated the identified alternatives./10e. Recommended the most viable solution./10 f. Defined a clear action plan./102. Format and Writing (40%) a. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include d all components of report (title page, all 6 case study analysis methodology steps with headings, references page)/20b. Spelling and grammar/10c. Ace homework tutors – APA formatting (title, headings, references)/10 Total/100


Students who successfully complete the Unit 8 Case Study will be able to:

discuss the relevance and benefits of implementing a change program in a team setting;

investigate the role of an organization’s management and employees in promoting planned change

Investigate how the implementation of a change program in an organization affects the Project Management Office (PMO);

investigate how managerial methods and employee behavior can have an impact on the PMO; and

Examine the strategies to overcome change resistance in the PMO.

Description in Brief

This case investigates the role of management in promoting change and focuses on understanding the process of change management within a team environment.

Read the case study below and respond to the questions at the end.

Case Study


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Research Helper
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