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Executive Summary
The case study seeks to review the key potential target markets for the new restaurant of Blackfield Hawaii Corporation. Targeting business and family clients is a good choice for the positioning. Most of the restaurants in Hawaii do not target family and business clients; thus, the new restaurant might become profitable. The management plans to integrate various activities in order to promote the restaurant, such family events and competitions. The product levels would be applied to provide proper understanding of the nature of products; they include core benefit, generic product, expected product, and augmented product. The assessment of the integrated communication plan for the restaurant is also crucial for the communication and marketing process of the new restaurant.
Case Study – Mini Marketing Plan – Coconut Plantation Resort
The investment in an appropriate restaurant type is important to shape the long-term marketing plan and understand the key issues of the business. The assessment of the potential target market helps in designing effective strategy and programmes. It is important to ensure that everything is aimed at meeting the needs of the target markets. In the case study, the moderately priced family restaurant type is chosen. It would help in capturing the market for business and family clients. The implementation of the integrated communication mix is also helpful in promoting effective business performance and productivity.
Potential Target Markets
The potential target markets for Blackfield Hawaii Corporation comprises families and business clients. Based on the understanding of the market segmentation, the new resort unit would target the family and business clients. Such market segments are popular in Hawaii, thus being a good choice for the company. Business clients are able and ready to pay premium prices for meals. Thus, the targeting of the business customers is effective in shaping the market segmentation.
The families would also travel to Hawaii to relax during vacation periods. The restaurant should be ready to meet the demands of this group. However, the management of Blackfield Hawaii Corporation ought to invest significantly in advertising and marketing of their services, which is important for such clients. It is also necessary to develop good business model that would help in increasing the number of clients (Bansal & Bharti 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 260). Both target groups give the resort an opportunity to grow its revenues As a result, families and business clients should be targeted through improved marketing campaigns and advertisement.
Restaurant Type
It is recommendable for Blackfield Hawaii Corporation to consider building a moderately priced family restaurant that comprises all three main types of meals. The business clients usually spend more time in the resorts, and thus, the moderate prices would attract them. Similarly, the families would also choose such restaurant due to the prices and availability of food. Therefore, the moderately priced family restaurant might create a new interesting location to visit in Hawaii.
The four product levels, namely the core benefit, generic product, expected product, and augmented product, would provide proper understanding of the rationale to build such restaurant. The core product is the first level that explains the main focus and functions of the initiative. The restaurant might be beneficial as it provides all meals for affordable prices. The advantages for are relevant through the positioning of the restaurant in the market and its impacts on the competitors (Keller 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online, p. 293). Generic product level explains the qualities of the restaurant, affordability, good location, quality services, and universal capacity among others. All these features are important and useful for increasing the revenues.
The expected product level defines all the aspects the clients want to obtain when they purchase an item. The clients visiting the restaurant would expect the prices to be moderate as well as the high quality meals to be served. The fourth level is augmented product that details the expected additional offerings that sets the restaurant apart from other restaurants in Hawaii. The new restaurant might choose to integrate sporting activities and family competitions as the promotion activities to attract more clients. Offering discounts might also make the restaurant more attractive than the competitors (Kumar et al. 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online, p. 16). The price level is significant to shape the company’s positioning strategy. Therefore, the management of Blackfield Hawaii Corporation should use all the above-mentioned factors to properly position their restaurant.
Integrated Communication Mix
For the moderately priced family restaurant, the management should rely on the integrated communication mix to inform and pass messages to the clients. The approach comprises an integration of all the critical promotional tools and campaigns. The new restaurant would face tough competition while implementing the integrated communication efforts. The required promotional and communication tools ought to include advertisements, sales campaigns, promotions, and direct communication.
Advertising is one of the key tools while communicating with the target audience. The target audience is the business clients and families. The adverts should cover the entire American market as well as all the US states. The advertisements would run for 6 months to ensure that the potential customers get adequate information about the new restaurant. Regular advertisements should also be launched to ensure that the message about the offering is delivered to the potential customers. Advertising would be done through various means, including internet, radio, TV, and print media (Šerić, Gil-Saura & Ruiz-Molina 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 146). The message should inform the clients about the availability of a family restaurant in Hawaii. The objective is to get more clients to book tables and visit the outlet. In terms of finance, the advertisements would help grow the revenues of the new restaurants by the means of acquiring new clients.
Sales campaign is a tool that would allow the new restaurant to implement a comprehensive sales strategy to attract the business and family travellers who seek to visit Hawaii. A national sales campaign might help reach more people. Twelve months of the sales campaign strategy might assist in growing the number of potential visitors to Hawaii. The focus should be made on the restaurants. Both internet and TV ads would be appropriate for the design of the sales campaign. The critical message would be to inform the clients of the products and their advantages (Batra & Keller 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online, p. 124). The objective is to grow the market share of the outlet. The goal of maximising revenue for the new restaurant is significant.
Promotional campaign is effective and focusses on sharing the same information to promote the new restaurant. The promotional tool ought to target the larger audience in the United States without mentioning the family clients. The promotional campaign would be launched for 6 months and would be conducted regularly to sustain the message. The means to be used for the campaign include the billboards, digital platforms, and TV (Bansal & Bharti 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 260). The core message would describe the meals offered at the new restaurant, pricing, and the core brand strategy of the company. It would inform the clients about the restaurant and help push them to book a table.
Lastly, the new restaurant should also rely on direct communication to present its services and profit offerings to the target clients. The target audience for the direct communication would be immediate clients lived nearby. Targeting such people would help in informing others about the brand through word of mouth (Luxton, Reid & Mavondo 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, p. 41). However, direct communication is short-lived and likely takes one month. The cost of direct communication is high, and it is a time-consuming approach, as the management needs to hire sales representatives to directly visit the clients. On a daily basis, the sales personnel would directly communicate and market the offerings of the restaurant.
The means that could help in facilitating the direct communication method include the use of fliers and catalogues among others. It would give the potential clients direct information on the company’s services and products (Kang, Tang & Fiore 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, p. 1663). The message would cover the nature of product and services offered and provide directions on the location of the restaurant. The objective is to create bond with the clients through persuading them directly on the advantages of the restaurant (Valos et al. 2017, p. 1523). The direct communication approach avoids long-term investment in TV commercials and ads. It also helps grow marketing strategy that is significant in promoting the long-term customer engagements.
Conclusion and Recommendations
In summary, the management of Blackfield Hawaii Corporation should focus on implementing and creating a moderately priced family restaurant with all types of meals. Such restaurant type is more appropriate and would help meet the customers’ needs. The communication process about the restaurant would involve the varied promotional and sales strategies. However, a successful implementation of the integrated communication model is important and beneficial to the outlet. It would help in expanding the competitive advantage of the restaurant as well as boosting overall sales and profits. The method also helps grow profits through enhanced effectiveness. Integrated communication process would also assist in sustaining long-term relations with the clients, as the company is able to create consistent messages and images. It is recommendable to integrate the varied communication tools and campaigns to inform all the target clients on the new restaurant and its offerings.
Reference List
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Kang, J, Tang, L & Fiore, AM 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, ‘Restaurant brand pages on Facebook: do active member participation and monetary sales promotions matter?’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1662-1684.
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Valos, MJ, Maplestone, VL, Polonsky, MJ & Ewing, M 2017, ‘Integrating social media within an integrated marketing communication decision-making framework’, Journal of Marketing Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment, vol. 33, no. 17-18, pp. 1522-1558.