Case Realization| Computer Science

case requirement analysis. Here is the revised diagram. Explanatory notes follow.

Person – is the base class for all people in the system. A Person has a Phone and knows their own


MedicalStaffMember – is a type of Person and is the base class for all medical personnel. Medical

staff know their staff ID.

Doctor – is a type of MedicalStaffMember. Doctors supervise Patients. They know which patients

they supervise, and they can set AlertConditions for those patients. They can assign Patients to


FirstResponder – are another type of MedicalStaffMember. They can be assigned a number of

Patients to monitor by one or more doctors. They know which patients they have to monitor and

which doctors they report to. A first responders job is to respond to Patients Alerts and to decide

whether to notify the attending Doctor.

Patient – is a type of Person. A Patient accumulates a history of glucose Observations and Alerts. A

Patient may have several different AlertConditions set for them. If a glucose reading satisfies and

AlertCondition the patient may generate an Alert. A patient knows which Doctor is looking after

them but does not know which FirstResponder will necessarily respond to an Alert.

Observation – is a reading of glucose level for a Patient at a particular time. An Observation knows

what Patient it is for, what time it was taken, and which MonitoringDevice it was made by. It also

knows what glucose level it measured.

Alert – is a notification raised by a Patient, when an Observation satisfies one of the Patient’s

AlertConditions. An Alert knows which Observation and what AlertCondition triggered it, it also

knows what PatientResponses and MedicalResponses are attached to it.

AlertConditions – are conditions describing glucose levels or a pattern of glucose levels which a

Doctor believes needs some type of response. AlertConditions also contain instructions as to what

that response should be, both by the Patient, and any FirstResponder who receives an Alert

triggered by the AlertCondition.

Response – is an action taken in response to an Alert. Responses know what Alert they are for, and

at what time the Response was made. A Response contains a Message.

PatientResponse – is a type of Response recorded by a Patient.

MedicalResponse – are a type of Response which documents any actions taken by a

MedicalStaffMember in response to an Alert. Medical responses know which MedicalStaffMember

made them.

Message – is a communication between one Person and another. Messages may pass both ways

between between Doctors and Patients, Doctors and FirstResponders, and FirstResponders and

Patients. Messages know who sent them and who they are intended for.

TextMessage – is a type of Message. Text messages contain text.

AudioMessage – is a type of Message. Audio messages contain a voice recording

SmartPhone – are devices to which MonitoringDevices are paired with Bluetooth. They know their

own phoneNumber, and what OS and osVersion they run so that the right version and updates of

the SMD app can be loaded on them.

MonitoringDevice – is a Bluetooth enabled glucose sensor. It takes glucose readings and sends them

to the SmartPhone it is paired with. MonitoringDevices have a number of hardware related

attributes that allow them to be updated similarly to SmartPhones.

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