Chapter 16
of Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy:
“Managing a Diverse Workforce”
Shawn Berman
Anderson School of Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
University of New Mexico
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A pay gap still exists, in 2017 compared to white men:
• Black men made only 72 %
• White women also made only 81 %
• Black women made only 69 %
• Hispanic men made only 73 %
• Hispanic women made only 64 %
• Women and persons of color also lag in managerial
The gender and racial pay gap CSR
With “equal pay for equal work” why does the pay gap still exist?
The Glass Ceiling and Entrepreneurship
Women and people of color also face what is sometimes called
the “glass ceiling”, meaning they cannot rise to highest ranks
within a large business:
• Women make up only 25 % of officers (C-level positions) and 5 %
of CEOs of “leading” corporation
• Persons of color led 5 % of Fortune 500 companies.
To combat this, many women and persons of color have
started their own businesses. 36 % of businesses were run by
women, another 15 % by persons of color.
Equal Employment Opportunity
• Government involvement in securing equal employment for all began
in the 1960s on a large scale.
• Discrimination is prohibited based on race, color, religion, gender,
national origin, physical or mental disability, or age.
Discrimination based on sexual orientation is still not per se illegal
at the federal level, but some states have laws protecting
discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
 In U.S. is prohibited in all employment practices
 Government contractors must have written affirmative action plans detailing
how they are working positively to overcome past and present effects of
discrimination in their workforce
 Women and men must receive equal pay for performing equal work, and
employers may not discriminate on the basis of pregnancy
What is affirmative action? What are your thoughts/opinions about affirmative action?
Major Federal Laws and Executive Orders
Prohibiting Job Discrimination
Racial & Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment occurs at work when:
• Any employee, woman or man, experiences repeated, unwanted sexual attention
• When on‑the‑job conditions are hostile or threatening in a sexual way
• It includes both physical conduct—for example, suggestive touching—as well as
verbal harassment, such as sexual innuendoes, jokes, or propositions
• It can also occur if a company’s work climate is blatantly and offensively sexual
or intimidating to employees
• Is illegal and U.S. EEOC is empowered to sue on behalf of victims
Racial harassment is also illegal under Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act
• Racial harassment encompasses ethnic slurs, derogatory comments, or other
verbal or physical harassment based on race are against the law, if they create
an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment or interfere with an
individual’s work performance
What can businesses do?
• Well run companies go beyond required legal actions to
welcome employees of all backgrounds.
• Actions taken by companies to manage diversity
• They articulate a clear diversity mission, set objectives, and hold managers
• They spread a wide net in recruitment, to find the most diverse possible pool of
qualified candidates
• They identify promising women and persons of color, and provide them with
mentors and other kinds of support
• They set up diversity councils to monitor the company’s goals and progress
toward them
• They recognize the needs of employees for child care, elder care, and flexible
working schedules
Apple and the Dreamers, discussion questions
1. Do you consider being a Dreamer a form of workplace diversity? How is it similar to
and different from other kinds of workplace diversity discussed in chapter 16?
2. What are the benefits and risks to employers, such as Apple and others mentioned in
this case, of continuing to hire and employ Dreamers?
3. Beyond employers, which stakeholders benefit, and which are harmed when a business
hires Dreamers?
4. Do you agree with Apple’s response to the public policy threat to DACA? What else
should Apple’s managers do now, and why?
5. If you are a human resources manager at Apple, what steps would you take (or not
take) if DACA protections were rescinded by the government?

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