In order to do this case, there is a little but of prep work before reading the material. 
So first, listen to the elements of the case here first on NPR. ( )

Then read: Vioxx Case (Presley) ( attached ) 

Merck ( )is a major pharmaceutical company ( ) that depends on patents and innovations.  The patents of Fosamax and Zocor expired in 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers.  Merck had planned Vioxx to be its next Blockbuster drug. 

What might Merck have done when information came out that Vioxx caused Cardio vascular problems?
Was it ethical for Merck to withdraw sponsorship of researchers who took issue with Merck’s marketing of Vioxx? And was it good strategy?
Compare Merck’s actions in influencing reported research results on Vioxx to the strategy of the tobacco companies in the 1950’s as they countered research that established a link between smoking and cancer?

Submission Instructions:

This essay should be about 500 words in length.   Make sure your name is in the header of the document and include page numbers.  Follow APA formatting in your references and the general APA conventions on the document (sans-serif 12pt font like Arial, Helvetica or Century Gothic, 1″ margins, etc.). 

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