CARIBBEAN STUDIES QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS: CAPE 2005 MODULE ONE: CARIBBEAN SOCIETY AND CULTURE 1. Identify the geographical sub-region to which St Lucia, Grenada and Antigua belong. (1 mark) – The Lesser Antilles 2. Name the chain of islands in the Caribbean which is located entirely in the Atlantic Ocean. (1 mark) * The Bahamas * 3. Explain what is meant by a ‘historical’ definition of the Caribbean region. (2 marks) * This describes those islands that saw the impact of colonialism, slavery and indentureship 4. Identify TWO of the boundaries of the ‘geological’ Caribbean. 2 marks) * North- the line of the Greater Antilles * East – the line of Lesser Antilles * South – a line through Trinidad, Northern Venezuela and Colombia * West – the Western pacific Coast of Central America 5. Outline TWO different interpretations of the term culture. (4 marks) * Culture defines and characterizes aspects of lifestyles that may be peculiar to a particular society * Culture refers to the beliefs of a group of people 6. List TWO ways in which the term ‘society’ can be defined. (2 marks) * People having a shared common purpose People occupying a defined territorial space * Citizens within a defined space 7. Write a page paper – Describe TWO problems that may arise in Caribbean society because of hybridization. (6 marks) * Hybridization can lead to the creation of new cultures, when two or more cultures come into contact with each other. * Hybridization may lead to two or more cultures trying to claim cultural, economic or political space * Some races may assume a sense of superiority over races, based on the old plantation system and social stratification. 8. Write a page paper – Describe TWO responses of Caribbean people to oppression. 4 marks) * Creation of Trade Unions * Migration – intra Caribbean and extra regional * Crime and Violence * Riots * Active Resistance – disobedience, revolts, rebellions and revolutions 9. Explain ONE way in which religion has impacted on Caribbean people. (2 marks) * Religion was used as a means of retaining ancestral links * It was a decisive element in multi- religious societies, for example, Trinidad and Guyana (Christian, Hindu and Moslem) * It was a factor used in the expansion of education in Caribbean territories.
In the aftermath of emancipation, many primary schools were opened by missionaries and religious organizations and today they continue to work. * Religion offered a source of comfort or a source of empowerment while experiencing violence, oppression and genocide 10. Write a page paper – Describe TWO ways in which the Cuban residents in the United States impact on American politics. (4 marks) * They formed pressure groups to coerce Washington to continue to enforce the economic blockade against Cuba. * A large population of Cubans in Miami influence voting and governance in the US. They actively supported the Helms Burton Act of 1996 which seeks to establish and maintain international sanctions against the Castro government and plan for a transitional government leading to a democratically elected government 11. Explain ONE way in which Caribbean migrant labour impacts on the economies of the countries of North America. (2 marks) * Helps to keep wages very low as a very large amount of migrants keep wages at minimum wage levels MODULE TWO: ISSUES IN CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT 12. Explain what is meant by ‘development’. 2 marks) * Development is the ability of a country to advance economically, measured by changes in its per capita income as well as by the human development index which includes life expectancy and educational attainment. 13. List TWO indicators of development. ( 2 marks) * National income * Levels of unemployment 14. Identify TWO factors that influence development. (2 marks) * Distribution of wealth * Political ideologies * Gender equality * Natural disasters * Impact of the productive sector – investment 15.
Explain the term ‘globalisation’. (2 marks) 16. Identify ONE international organization that facilitates globalization. (1 mark) 17. State One effect of globalization on EACH of the following: Labour, Trade, Ideology 18. Identify TWO challenges faced by either Carifta or The West Indies Federation. ( 2 marks) CARIFTA * Unemployment rates and poverty * Leadership issues: Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago * Inabilty to implement regional decisions * Wide disparity among members in terms of per capita income WEST INDIES FEDERATION Disputes over movement of people from one country to another * Insularity/ parochialism * Leadership issues: Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago * Federal Government had no power 19. State how EACH of the following institions has contributed to development of the region: CTO: Caribbean Tourism Organisation * Creation of a single voice in the international arena * Provision of a sound body of knowledge through data collection, collation and research * Development and promotion of regional travel tourism programmes to and within the Caribbean * Provision of a sound body of knowledge 20.

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