For this assignment you will conduct research on the career path you plan to pursue, and develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  1. Professional Organizations – Find a minimum of three professional organizations that may help you get into your desired career field.
  2. Volunteer Opportunities – Identify volunteer opportunities related to the field you are pursuing that would help you confirm the field is right for you. 
  3. Interview – Interview someone in the professional field you are pursuing. If you are struggling with locating someone to interview, an alternative would be to ask yourself 5-10 questions that you would like to know about your selected professional field and simply conduct your own research to locate the answers.
  4. Program of Study Requirements – Provide a brief summary of the requirements needed to complete your program of study.
  5. Career Search Information – a) Find a job description for your ideal or “dream” job on or another job site; b) Compare the job description of the job to the program of study you are in; c) Explain what courses in the program are going to give you the skills you need to succeed in that job; d) Explain what you need to personally do to ensure you gain the skills in those courses.

Additional Requirements:

  1. Presentation should be 10 – 12 slides in length. This includes a title/introduction slide and a reference slide.
  2. Speaker notes that expand upon the content of your slides are required.
  3. The content presented in your PPT must be supported by a minimum of three to four credible sources.
  4. You may include recorded narration for your presentation.

While Ace homework tutors – APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using Ace homework tutors – APA formatting guidelines

Additional Requirements:

  1. The presentation should be 10-12 slides in length. This includes a title/introduction slide and a reference slide.
  2. Speaker notes that expand upon the content of your slides are required. You should include in-text citations in this area. If you are sure how to use speaker notes or are not familiar with them, I suggest you conduct a simple Google search.
  3. The content presented in your PPT must be supported by a minimum of three to four credible sources. Formatted to Ace homework tutors – APA standards.
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