71) The definition of innovation applied to sports products is the ability to A) deliver new value to a customer B) deliver new value to the sports brand C) generate revenue quickly D) generate revenue at a profit 72)Types of innovation include the following except A) continuous innovation B) dynamically discontinuous innovation C) dynamically continuous innovation D) discontinuous innovation 73) The types of innovations that would be considered evolutionary are A) continuous and discontinuous innovations B) discontinuous and dynamically discountinuous innovations C) continuous and dynamically continuous innovations D) dynamically discontinuous and discontinuous innovations 2074) Which types of innovations are considered revolutionary? A) continuous innovations B) discontinuous innovations C) dynamically continuous innovations D) dynamically discontinuous innovations75) Continuous and dynamically continuous innovations are considered evolutionary because they A) are relatively easy to market to consumers B) can generate additional revenue with minimal financial investments C) can be potential “game changers” if accepted by consumers and the industry D) entail relatively minor changes or adaptations of existing products 76) Discontinuous innovations are considered revolutionary because they A) are relatively easy to market to consumers B) can generate additional revenue with minimal financial investments C) can be potential “game changers” if accepted by consumers and the industry D) entail relatively minor changes or adaptations of existing products77) The type of innovation that has the least amount of “new value” is A) continuous innovation B) dynamically discontinuous innovation C) dynamically continuous innovation D) discontinuous innovation78) New products that are relatively minor adaptations of existing products are classified as A) continuous innovations B) dynamically discontinuous innovations C) dynamically continuous innovations D) discontinuous innovations79) The addition of instant replay in Major League Baseball would be an example of a A) continuous innovation B) dynamically discontinuous innovation C) dynamically continuous innovation D) discontinuous innovation80) Most new products are ________ because minor changes or adaptations are less risky to bring to market. A) continuous innovations B) dynamically discontinuous innovations C) dynamically continuous innovations D) discontinuous innovations85) During the implementation stage, the marketing team must decide on the timetable for planned tactics. The following are approaches that can be used except A) continuous B) flighting C) pulsating D) diverse86) In terms of the timetable for implementing marketing tactics in an IMC campaign, a ________ schedule calls for a steady flow of communications between the marketer and audience over the course of the campaign. A) continuous B) flighting C) pulsating D) diverse 87) Products for which there is year-round demand with relatively no fluctuation in demand are ideal candidates for the ________ scheduling method of marketing tactics. A) continuous B) flighting C) pulsating D) diverse88) In terms of the timetable for implementing marketing tactics in an IMC campaign, a ________ schedule is characterized by periods of communication with a target audience and other periods with no communication activity. A) continuous B) flighting C) pulsating D) diverse 89) Products with seasonal demand are ideal candidates for the ________ scheduling method of marketing tactics. A) continuous B) flighting C) pulsating D) diverse90) Sports products are ideal candidates for the ________ scheduling method of marketing tactics because of playing seasons that last only part of the year. A) continuous B) flighting C) pulsating D) diverse

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