HW Chemical Dose Week 7
HW Chemical Dose Week 7
1. Calculate the dose rate and the absorbed dose for the Fricke
dosimetric solution that was irradiated with Co-60 source during 3
hrs. The absorbance of the irradiated dosimetric solution (Fe3+),
measured with UV/Vis-spectrophotometer in 1 cm cuvettes at the
wavelength =304 nm, increased from 0.01 (initial) to 0.203
(irradiated). The molar absorptivity of ferric ions for this
wavelength is ε304 = 2187 L mol1cm1, the density of the
dosimetric solution is ρ=1.024 g/mL, and the tabulated radiation
chemical yield for gamma source 60Co is 1.6 µmol J1.
A = εcl
2. Calculate the dose rate and the absorbed dose for the ceric
sulfate dosimetric solution that was irradiated with Co-60 source
during 3 hrs. The absorbance of the irradiated dosimetric solution
(Ce4+), measured with UV/Vis-spectrophotometer in 1 cm
cuvettes at the wavelength =320 nm, decreased from 1.01 (initial)
to 0.21 (irradiated). The molar absorptivity of ceric ions for this
wavelength is ε320 = 561 L mol1cm1, density of the dosimetric
solution is ρ=1.025 g/mL and the G value for the cerous-ion yield is
2.3 molecules/100 eV for the gamma source 60Co.
3. Estimate the effect of alpha-autoradiolysis in the acidic aqueous
solution of 239Pu with concentration of 0.03 mol/L of 239Pu:
a) Considering the half-life T1/2=24111 y (=7.60364×1011 sec) and
the alpha energy of 5.24 MeV, what is the weekly dose absorbed in
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