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Executive Summary
1.0 Executive Summary
Home Needs Consulting (HNC) will offer a unique service of enhancing skills of Manpower (Drivers & Servants) hired by local residents in Saudi Arabia. HNC will provide training on Vehicle Driving, Spoken Languages (such as English and Arabic) and other essential skills for people.
Our main aim is to provide end-to-end Manpower consulting for House owners. House owners can hire a Licensed Driver from us OR send their Driver for enhancing his Driving Skills and to get local Driving License. Servant maids will also be available for hire from us or the House owners can send their Servant maids for training on several useful skills such as language training, cleaning, cooking and doing other house hold activities. This is a very essential service required by most House owners in Saudi Arabia. Since this is a niche Business area in the market we expect to be a profitable business and grow rapidly in next few years.
1.1 Objectives
HNC has a clear set of objectives. It wants to achieve the following in its first year:
· Provide one stop solution for all Home Manpower Needs such as Driving, Spoken language and other grooming skills.
· Once training is completed, we arrange for drivers to take the test and get them International driver’s license if required.
Achieve sales revenues of approximately X Dinar by end of first year.
Expand by starting up one or more facilities within the city.
Become the low cost provider of comprehensive Manpower Services in Driving education and Servant Maid grooming.
1.2 Mission
· The mission of Home Needs Consulting (HNC) is to provide high quality, convenient and comprehensive driver education courses at the lowest cost. The most important aspect of driver education is SAFETY. It is the goal of our School to have our Drivers with the safest driving records than any other competitor, there by create and maintain a reputation and increase market share.
· HNC’s Servant Maid Training will provide good education in all fields so that they can do their day to day activities to the full satisfaction of their owners.
1.3 Keys to Success
Home Needs Consulting has done thorough market research on the Business potential and key success factors for this unique Business. It understands that Quality, Cost and Excellent Customer Service are the key to grow and gain customer’s loyalty. It will also be important to be available in different locations in the city, so we plan to reach out to our customers with additional facilities in the city in future.
For many years now, the founder of Home Needs Consulting has noticed the great untapped opportunity in providing such Business. No company is currently targeting this exact nature of Business with end to end customer service. Home Needs Consulting believes it can deliver what the customers truly demanded, high quality driver education at the lowest possible cost as well as best grooming for servant maids. This is our driving strategy and our winning business model. We expect a steady growth in the market over time a period of time.
Our Key success factors will be:
Low cost – High Quality Driver Education
Assistance in getting International Drivers License for the Driver
Lower cost of operations by Hiring Professionals as per the demand
Have an experienced Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r to take care of day to day management tasks. This person must be able to report to the upper management everyday.
Setup additional facilities in the city after making sure we are in reasonable profit.
Hire best instructors for Driving education who are certified and have good experience.
Aggressively market our brand in all effective and high impact channels and steadily grow customer base.
Company Summary
2.0 Company Summary
Home Needs Consulting (HNC) will be a registered company offering Manpower Consulting services. The focus is currently on providing Driving & Grooming services. In future it can expand to suit the Business Demands. We aim to achieve maximum customer satisfaction by providing high quality low cost services.
2.1 Company Ownership
The company will include the Founder and other Financial Investors. The founder will work for the company at Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage rial level to ensure smooth implementation and execution of Business plans. It is also expected that Investors of this Company will also participate in Marketing and other activities to get good business to the Company. During the first year, by mutual agreement, it would also be required to invite additional investors into the company for financial support.
2.3 Company Locations and Facilities
Home Needs Consulting will setup and Front end office for Sales and customer service activities while the Backend Office will be for training purposes.
· We plan to setup the front end office at:
<Enter location or mention as “To be discussed with Investor”>
· Training House will be located at:
<Enter location or mention as “To be discussed with Investor”>
In the due course we plan to setup additional facilities at:
· Front end Offices at:
<Enter list of locations or mention as “To be discussed with Investor”>
· Back end – Training Houses at:
<Enter list of locations or mention as “To be discussed with Investor”>
Our primary Front end office will include following facilities:
– 1000 Square feet office space
– 1 sales executive (Telephone and On Field)
– 1 Customer Service cum Receptionist
– 1 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r to supervise of all activities
Our Training House will include following facilities:
– 2000 Square feet office space & ample parking area
– 1 Office room & 1 Training Hall
– 3 experienced Drivers per shift
– 1 Teachers for Servant grooming
3.0 Services
Home Needs Consulting will offer a wide range of services as outlined in the detailed sections below. It is ultimately the goal of the company to offer a one-stop facility for all driver needs, including registration, licensing, etc. In this way the company could offer great value for the customer.
Our Services will have highly competitive prices since the only way to have an advantage in this industry is a low-cost leadership principal applied to all aspects of the business. We will hire trained and certified instructors who provide all the teaching services. In addition, the company will have a fleet of many cars (both manual and automatic transmission) used to train the drivers. Each of these equipments will be maintained regularly.
3.1 Service Description
Home Needs Consulting (HNC) will provide a wide range of certified courses and services. These include:
Evening and noon classes for the busy working individuals.
Courses on Street safety and other essential skills.
Brush up courses for those who are good but do not have proper certification.
The course material for the course will be provided by the Company. It will contain a brief training on the subject whether it is driving or cooking, cleaning or talking skills. The course duration can be from 2 weeks to four weeks depending on student skills. Instructors will do their best to help the students clear all their doubts and train them nicely.
3.2 Competitive Comparison
The driver education industry is highly competitive. Each company within this field has high capital costs, low margins, and a high intensity of competition. Usually suppliers have a great deal of power in setting and negotiating the prices of their products and services to driving schools. Since HNC will avoid the suppliers and directly get its customers we expect to have a greater profit margin. We will constantly keep in touch with our satisfied customers and try to get new Business, thereby avoid commission for getting new customers.
Additionally if required, we plan to hire the manpower required by the company instead of keeping them on Pay roll. This will help us lower the costs of our services and increase our profit margin. We can add more manpower as the demand increases. By this we expect to provide a cost effective service.
3.3 Fulfillment
Home Needs Consulting (HNC) will hire trained and certified instructors who provide all the teaching services. Our Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage rs will include people will lots of managerial experience. With good facilities, manpower and excellent customer service we are confident of full filling the stake holder’s business expectations.
3.4 Technology
HNC will use multiple computers networked together, to keep a track of its day-to-day Business Activities. This will include attendance of employees, Customer Database, Registrations, Billing and Weekly Reports. We also plan to use computers to enhance the teaching experience for drivers. Also Servant maids will be shown videos of cooking and other interesting groom skills. Using computers useful weekly and monthly reports will be generated to see our progress in the Business.
3.5 Future Services
Given the market potential and available competition, we estimate within first 1 year we will need to setup additional facilities to cater to our growing customers. Our portfolio of services must also be broadened. We must look at providing many value added services to our customers, such as:
· Setup company website will details of all our services on the Internet
· Offer Candidate registration and payment via our own Company website
· Offer Computer training to Drivers and Servant Maids
· and more..
Market Analysis Summary
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
In Saudi Arabia, most of the residents have one or more drivers and servant maids in their House. It is very important for the Drivers and Servant maids to be good. In many cases the Drivers and Servant maids are not certified. Home Needs Consulting will provide will unique service of certifying Drivers and Servant maids after teaching them the necessary skills.
4.1 Market Segmentation
The market potential for this Service is very large it is a very commonly required service. The market can be segmented as follows:
House Owners wish to send their Drivers for training and certification
House Owners want to hire a certified Driver from our Company
House Owners want to train their Servant maid in certain skills like cooking etc.
House Owners want to hire a certified Servant maid to work in their house.
Commercial drivers want to get certification.
Servant maids who wish to educate themselves better and get certification
Market Growth Analysis for last few years
2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers
Driver Certification
Commercial Driver License
Servant maid Grooming
Computer Training
Other Services
4.2.3 Main Competitors
As mentioned earlier, the Driving school Industry is competitive. There are a couple of competitors who provide similar services and are now taken the major market share. Here is a partial list of our important competitors.
<Enter a list of competitors here, or mention as “Will be disclosed after Investor Discussion”>
Strategy and Implementation Summary
5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
The following subsections outline the marketing, pricing and promotion strategies, and competitive edges for Markam Driving School.
5.1 Competitive Edge
HNC’s competitive edge that can rival our competitors include:
· One stop solution for all Home Manpower Needs such as Driving, Spoken language and other grooming skills.
· Once training is completed, we arrange for drivers to take the test and get them International driver’s license if required.
Low cost provider of comprehensive Manpower Services in Driving education and Servant Maid grooming.
5.2 Marketing Strategy
The company plans to create a strong marketing presence to make it visible to its customers. The various channels through which advertising will be done are news papers, local radio and posters at prominent location. We will also print brochures and distribute them to departmental stores and entertainment malls. It is important to note that we must reach the House Owners who have the ability to maintain one or more servants (Drivers and maids) in the house. We can get access to such people via the directory of other commercial services such as travels, auto dealers etc.
Good students (drivers) who are happy with our training also become our marketing friends. They help us get a better image and create awareness. We plan to have one Marketing and Sales Executive to plan and execute campaigns to get more business to the company. He will be given weekly and monthly targets and he must work hard to get new business each month.
5.2.1 Pricing Strategy
Our main aim is to provide High quality and low cost service. But this does not mean we will make loss. We will ensure we will cover our expenses and good amount of profit margin. As mentioned earlier, we will try to reduce our operating cost so that we can provide a great price reduction as compared to our competitors.
5.2.2 Promotion Strategy
We understand the importance of marketing our brand. Hence, our promotion will include advertisements in Yellow Pages, local magazines, local radio, posters and hand outs. We also plan to setup road shows to educate customers. Every six months we will revive our Promotional Strategy and realign it as per our Business Requirements.
6.0 Sales
The following table and chart illustrate the projected sales forecast for Home Needs Consulting.
Sales Forecast
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2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer
Driver Certification
Commercial Driver License
Servant maid Grooming
Computer Training
Other Services
Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Summary
7.0 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Summary
Home Needs Consulting has a great management staff that can provide comprehensive direction for the company’s day-to-day operations and for its future planning. This includes:
Mr. ;Enter your Name;
;Enter brief profile information – your experience, education, skills etc.;
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;Enter brief profile information – experience, education, skills etc.;
;You can enter another person’s name here;
;Enter brief profile information – experience, education, skills etc.;
7.1 Personnel Plan
The company will be run by the Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r and its staff who will take monthly salaries. The details of the staff and manager salaries are listed below. As per the requirement, in future we may add additional staff.
Personnel Plan
2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers
Founder ; General Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r
Sales Executive
Customer Support + Receptionist
Driving Instructor 1
Driving Instructor 2
Driving Instructor 3
Teacher 1
Total People
Total Payroll
Financial Plan
8.0 Financial Plan
The following subsections outline the financial plan for Home Needs Consulting.
8.1 Break-even Analysis
The company’s Break-even Analysis is based on the company’s running costs, including payroll, and its present fixed costs, not including the expenses associated with the firm’s planned expansion.
Break-even Analysis
Break-even Analysis
Monthly Revenue Break-even
Average Percent Variable Cost
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost
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