Executive summary
We are a 110 year old health care service provider based in Sioux Falls, SD, we are a comprehensive and integrated health care system including nearly 440 health care providers in 128 clinics and satellite clinics. Our health care system also includes 23 hospitals, 12 nursing homes, 18 assisted living facilities and congregate living locations, 27 home health services and 19 pharmacies. We are the largest health care system between Denver, CO and Mayo clinic in Rochester, MN. We are one among the largest employers in the region employing more than 10,000 employees. (Sanford Health)
We plan to add a Preoperative clinic to our network of health care system. This preoperative clinic helps serve various objectives such as documenting the condition(s) for which the operation procedure is needed, educating and informing the patient about the surgical – anesthetic process, risks and alternatives. The preoperative center also helps to identify other conditions in a timely fashion (at least 2 to 3 days before surgery) which can be improved to reduce the patient’s surgical and anesthetic preoperative morbidity or mortality. (UW Health, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers)
We intend to raise funds from our internal sources and break even within the first year of our operation. This target is achievable by leveraging the large network of our health care chain in the Sioux Falls area.
Sanford Health. (n.d.). sanfordhealth.org. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from
UW Health. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers, July 10). Frequently Asked Questions About the Preoperative Anesthesiology Clinic
(PAC). Retrieved July 20, 2009, from http://www.anesthesia.wisc.edu/Clinic/providerinfo/faq.html