Learning Activity #1
Surveys of CEO’s today will tell you that the two most important, and the two most difficult, management tasks when it comes to leading successful virtual and global teams is trust and communication. Explain why managers would declare this statement as being true.  
One of the most important contributions of Hofstede’s studies regarding working in diverse teams is the idea of “diversity distance”. How would this idea be useful in creating trust in a virtual global team? Consider in your answer whether you want to increase the distance or decrease the distance between the cultures. 

Geert Hofstede’s renowned typology on national cultural values  https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison/ . 
Beyond Intractability’s extensive article database on cross-cultural communications and behaviors. Cross-cultural communications http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/cross-cultural-communication and Communication Tools for Understanding Cultural Differences http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/communication-tools

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