Discussion Assignment

For this assignment write at least 300 words answering the following.

  • Corporations often “vote      with their feet” in terms of doing business where expenses are lowest      and revenues are highest. Buying low and selling high is a basic economic      formula for success that has motivated international trade in many ways      over the centuries.  This is popularly discussed when governments      consider tax policies and is also applicable when they also consider      the less obvious factor of environmental protections laws. If Mexico has      no ban on DDT (a pesticide used in agriculture) and the USA has banned the      use (but not the manufacture) of DDT, should a corporation buy land in      Mexico, import DDT from the USA, grow larger crops, and export them to the      USA?
  • What ethical duties does the corporation have to the      workers in Mexico, the neighboring landowners, and the USA consumers about      the potential dangers of using DDT?
  • Is there an ethical duty of DDT manufactures related to      their export of DDT to countries that do not ban its use as the USA does? 
  • Do you agree that environmental protection laws are      “less obvious” as suggested above? Why/why not? 

Discussion Responses

It is your responsibility to respond to three classmates by providing comments, asking questions, or having a conversation about their main post. Feedback should be appropriate, meaningful, and helpful. For instance refer to how your own experience supports/contradicts the opinions developed by your peers. If you think they are too general or not rooted enough in personal experience, you may also ask for more detailed examples supporting these opinions. In particular make sure that the examples provided are properly referenced and that you are able to access them. Overall, your comments should contribute positively to the conversation by broadening or clarifying it. Feedback should be at least 3-4 complete sentences. You should also respond to anyone who has responded to you.

Learning Guide Unit 3

Written Assignment

Use the Instructions for Case Analyses to craft a response to this case, articulating the main issues and ethical dilemma.   Review the assessment criteria below before you begin writing. 

Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility

People Involved:

  • Bob,      President
  • John,      Chemical Engineer
  • Henry,      Controller
  • Kirk,      Assistant Controller

Kirk is a bright individual who is being groomed for the Controller’s position in a medium-sized manufacturing firm. After his first year as Assistant Controller, the officers of the firm were starting to include him in major company functions. For instance, today he was attending the monthly financial statement summary given at a prestigious consulting firm. During the meeting, Kirk was intrigued at how all the financial data he had been accumulating was transformed by the consultant into revealing charts and graphs.

Kirk was generally optimistic about the session and the company’s future until the consultant started talking about the new manufacturing plant the company was adding to the current location and the costs per unit of the chemically plated products it produced. At that time, Bob (the President) and John (the chemical engineer) started talking about waste treatment and disposal problems. John mentioned that the current waste facilities were not adequate to handle the waste products that would be created by the “ultramodern” new plant in a manner that would meet the industry’s fairly high standards, although they could still comply with federal standards. Kirk’s boss, Henry, noted that the estimated cost per unit would be increased if the waste treatment facilities were upgraded according to recent industry standards. 

While industry standards are presently more stringent than federal regulations, environmentalists are strongly pressuring for more stringent regulations at the federal level. Bob mentioned that since their closest competitor did not have the waste treatment facilities that already existed at their firm, he was not in favor of further expenditure in this area. Most managers at this meeting resoundingly agreed with Bob, and business continued on to another topic. 

Kirk did not hear a word during the rest of the meeting. He kept wondering how the company could possibly have such a casual attitude toward the environment. Yet he did not know if, how, or when he could share his opinion. Soon he started reflecting on whether this was the right firm for him. What should Kirk do? Putting Corporate Responsibility first, but recognizing the politics at play, what is the most ethical thing to do? The most practical? What strategy would you suggest to Kirk if he came to you for advice? 

Written Assignment Requirements

Submit a written paper which is 2-3 pages in length exclusive of reference page and that is double-spaced. The paper should cite sources to support your ideas. Be sure to review the assessment criteria below before beginning your paper. Cite any reference(s) you use in the preparation of your essay using proper APA format.

Written Assignment Peer Assessment

In the unit following the submission of your written assignment, you will peer assess three (3) of your classmates’ assignments according to the instructions found in the Assessment Form. During this peer assessment period, you are expected to provide details in the feedback section of the Assessment Form, indicating why you awarded the grade that you did to your peer. The written assignment grade is comprised of a combination of your submission (90%) and your peer assessments (10%). 

Written Assignment Peer Assessment Rubric

For this assignment, your peers will be evaluating your work with the following criteria. 

  • Identifies      all the relevant facts of the case.
  • Articulates      overarching ethical issues including the extent of Kirk’s responsibility      to take action; how the interests of the firm (and stockholders) can be      balanced against the environmental interests; what obligation the company      has to future generations and citizens.
  • Identifies      all stakeholders.
  • Poses      possible alternatives and ethics of each alternative. Paper should explore      the possible alternatives and ethics from the Utilitarian Perspective, the      Rights Perspective,or the Justice Perspective.
  • Identifies      all practical constraints.
  • Recommends      a specific action Kirk should take, which may include leaving the company.
  • Is of high      quality, writing is clear and professional.
  • Conforms to      the structural requirements including APA style guidelines for References.
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