Code of Ethics
Begin by preparing of Code of Ethics for a fictional company which should include at minimum ten elements. Once you have compiled the Code of Ethics, respond to the following questions:

Why did you include each of the ten elements?
Why is a Code of Ethics an important part of every business from an employer standpoint?
Why is a Code of Ethics an important part of every business from an employee standpoint?
Once you have written the Code of Ethics, how would you implement to ensure compliance?

Your completed assignment should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages (one page for the Code of Ethics and one page for question responses). I need help writing my essay – research paper use a minimum of two credible sources from the CSU Online Library to support your reasoning. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines.
Format your essay response in accordance with Ace homework tutors – APA style. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in Ace homework tutors – APA style, please refer to the CSU Citation Guide. (

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