BUS-340 Law and the American Legal System Case Questions

The purpose of this assignment is to explain how the principles of law and dispute resolution can be applied to real-world situations.

Using the topic materials and what you have learned about the law, including constitutional, statutory, administrative, and common law and dispute resolution, address each of the textbook case questions below in a 250-word response. In your discussion of each case question, cite supporting evidence from the topic materials to justify your responses.

Chapter 1 Case Question 4
Chapter 4 Case Question 2
Chapter 5 Case Question 1 or Case Question 4
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the Ace homework tutors – APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success, Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. I need help writing my essay – research paper review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Case 4: Lance, a hacker, stole 15,000 credit card numbers and sold them on the black mar-ket, making millions. Police caught Lance, and two legal actions followed, one civil and one criminal. Who will be responsible for bringing the civil case? What willbe the outcome if the jury believes that Lance was responsible for identity thefts? Who will be responsible for bringing the criminal case? What will be the outcome if the jury believes that Lance stole the numbers?

Chapter 4

Case 2: Carter was an employee of the Sheriff’s office in Hampton, Virginia. When his boss, Sheriff Roberts, was up for reelection against Adams, Carter “liked” the Adams campaign’s Facebook page. Upon winning reelection, Sheriff Roberts fired Carter, who then sued on free speech grounds. Is a Facebook “like” protected under the First Amendment?

Chapter 5

Case 4: Annie and Bart are coworkers. In fact, they share a cubicle wall. Recently, they were involved in a fender-bender in the company parking lot. Each blames the other for the accident, and the two have stopped speaking. Would you advise them to try to settle their dispute through arbitration, mediation, or with a traditional lawsuit? Why?

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