BSBCRT501 Originate and develop concepts
Exploring research techniques
CUA51015 Diploma of Screen and Media
I need help writing my essay – research paper ensure this form is fully completed prior to submitting.
This page MUST be on the front of your assessment and needs to be easily accessible, filled in and signed.
Student Number:
Student Name:
Subject: BSBCRT501 Originate and develop concepts
Course: CUA51015 Diploma of Screen and Media
I hereby certify that:
This assessment task is my own work based on my personal study/research and not the work of another student and/or source.
I have acknowledged all material and sources used to prepare this assessment task.
I have not plagiarised or copied any part of this assessment task from the work of any other student or source either. (I know the penalties for plagiarism include $200 re-assessment fee)
This assessment task has not previously been submitted.
I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer & Assessor.
I have retained a copy of this assessment task for my own records.
I have completed all my assessments, tasks & activities (on moodle®) successfully.
Student’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________
Wentworth Institute RTO Code: 91178 November 2017 Version: 1.0
Student instructions
This Assessment is designed to test the knowledge that you have acquired throughout the unit so far. Use the following tips to help you answer the questions:
Read each question carefully. Check with your trainer or assessor if you are not sure what the question is asking.
HINT: Use these questions as subheadings to create a business style report to answer your assessment
Your response to each question should aim to provide enough information to answer the question. In most cases, this can be done with just a few paragraphs. Don’t forget to refer to attachments under the heading (question) applicable, e.g. ‘See attached email’.
Important: Your assessment must contain this coversheet and your own coversheet (for your “report”)
Your answers & assessment submission must be professional in style (Business), content and format. Maximum font size 11 points: Font Arial or Times New Roman; single spacing; clear paragraphs with appropriate punctuation, spellchecking and final submission will need to be proof-read. (i.e. few missing words or typo’s)
In particular:
– Use clear, non-discriminatory language
– Avoid the use of jargon
– Ace my homework – Write clearly using plain English
– Consider your target audience
– Ensure that your responses meet the needs of the target audience (in this case your trainer or assessor).
All of your work must be original.
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
analyse trends in business performance using standard accounting techniques
develop performance indicators and identify options for improvement
monitor performance indicators and document options for improvement
establish organisational objectives, policy and procedures.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
discuss ethical considerations relating to conflict of interest, confidentiality and disclosure requirements
identify the key principles and methods of:
capital budgeting analysis and investment analysis
cost –benefit analysis and use of performance ratios or comparison techniques.
Assessment Conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the accounting field of work and include access to:
Students should utilise the meeting table and chairs in the room as well as the common office equipment, technology, software and consumables provided by the College
corporate governance documentation
organisational operational policy and procedures information.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
Marking and Criteria guide:
Assessor and student must read this carefully before assessment.
All parts of the assessment must be completed successfully in accordance with the guidance provided in the Marking guide for the student to achieve competence in this unit.
Students & assessors must note that professionally critical aspects/concepts must be included (e.g. cost –benefit analysis and use of performance ratios or comparison techniques, the key principles valuation and capital budgeting analysis and investment analysis, trends and quantify the business).
All parts (criteria) in the marking guide must be completed successfully for the student to achieve competence in this unit
EDUCATOR to complete
Observation/assessment Satisfactory/not Satisfactory Comments
All assessments, tasks & activities (on Moodle®) successfully
Questions and Answers
The student has developed a Storyboard that depicts the story accurately
Practical Checklist
Assessor to complete: (circle)
Did you observe the student? Yes No
Further comments required
Assessor Comments
Resubmission required Yes_________ No___________
Date resubmission must be handed in: ________________________
Assessor’s name and signature: _______________________________
Date: _________________________
Assessment Task 2 Exploring research techniques
A storyboard is a graphic representation of how your video will unfold, shot by shot. It’s made up of a number of squares with illustrations or pictures representing each shot, with notes about what’s going on in the scene and what’s being said in the script during that shot.
Using your drawing skills to visualisation for a short film for children (1 minute duration), you are to create a storyboard for the story below.
Cecil’s Shoes
Cecil = Caterpillar
Buzzy Bee = Bee
Sammy Snail = Snail
Ernie = Earth Worm
Mrs Smithers = Slater
Story: Cecil’s Shoes
Cecil lives in a tree with a standard door at the bottom of the tree (similar to Winnie the Pooh), he opens the door, yawns, puts on a hundred pairs of shoes, stretches his legs and sets of in search of food, he walks around the garden eating everything in sight. He suddenly notices that his shoes are feeling a little tighter than usual and decides to look for worthy recipients of the shoes that he can no longer wear. He comes across Mr Buzzy Bee and asks him he would like his shoes. Mister buzzy bee says, “I’m collecting pollen for the hive and to help the plants grow, I don’t need your shoes.” He sees another of his friends, his name is Sammy Snail, “What are you doing Sammy Snail, would you like some of my shoes?” Cecil says. “I’m eating rotting vegetables to clean up the garden, your shoes will not fit my one slimy foot” says Sammy Snail. Then he sees another friend, Ernie the Earth Worm who pops out of the dirt “What are you doing Ernie, would you like some of my shoes?” Cecil says. “I’m making tunnels to help aerate the soil, I have no feet to fit your shoes” Ernie says. Just then he spies mother slater with her 25 children. He asks her whether she would like some of his shoes. She responds saying that she needs them all and thank you very much for the kind gesture.
Message = Ecology and Kindness
Storyboard Example:
Feedback Form
Student Name
Student #:
UOC Name: Originate and develop concepts
I have read the assessment instructions and know the observation criteria and I am ready to participate in the practical assessment
Students Signature: _________________________________________________________________
Observation Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Did the candidate:
The student has developed a Storyboard that depicts the story accurately