In the content this week, we studied two significant people in Broadway dance history: Jack Cole and Agnes de Mille. Who do you feel contributed the most to the legacy of Broadway dance? Why? Why do you think Agnes de Mille had so much trouble forging a successful career on Broadway? Use lecture content and additional personal and/or societal connections to support your deep conclusions and original ideas. Consider what you learned about Jerome Robbins: How do you feel artistic genius correlates to “temperamental” behavior? Is it necessary? Is it permissible if the end result of “questionable” social behavior is a rare work of art? Connect your ideas to experiences and to our course content, including the film you watched. Would you be willing to work with a “genius” if it meant you would be treated “badly”? Why? Note: Please do not include these questions in your response 🙂

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Ace My Homework
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