Stakeholders areA individuals or groups that have interests, rights, or ownership in an organization and its activitiesB can benefit from a company’s successes such as a profitable yearC harmed by a business’s product failuresD interdependent with an organizationE accurately described by all of the above______ stakeholders are those whose concerns the organization must address in order to ensure its own survival.A StrategicB PrimaryC DirectD OrganizationalE CorporateThe stakeholders of the organization include all butA employeesB societyC local governmentD customersE owners and investorsWhich of the following statements describing how owners and shareholders relate to the organization is true?A Companies with better HR practices have greater increases in market value.B An investor’s judgment about the value of a company’s intangible assets is based on such things as reputation rankings.C Most owners and shareholders invest their money in companies for financial reasons.D Intangibles such as how employees feel about their employer can be used by shareholders to predict financial performance.E All of the statements about how owners and shareholders relate to organization are true.What are the primary concerns of customers in their roles as stakeholders?A Legal compliance of the company and how it meets its social responsibility.B Return on sales, return on assets, and return on investments.C Quality service and products, innovation, and low cost.D Concern about safety, health, and fair treatment.E Whether the company uses collaborative problem-solving.In the eyes of average Americans, the best employersA maximize shareholder profitsB maximize long-term shareholder interests.C make decisions based on economic needs of the organizationD seek to have a positive impact on societyE simply obey the letter of the lawHow does an organization interact with its society stakeholders?A By obeying local laws and regulations.B By being committed to community relations.C Through employee volunteerism.D By acting socially responsible to protect the environment.E By doing all of the above.Which of the following statements describing the stakeholder relationship between employees and their employers is true?A Many employers value a good quality of work life while on the job.B Corporate restructuring has had minimal effect on U.S. employees.C For most workers, whether the employer provides secure and affordable health insurance, paid sick leave, and assured pension and retirement benefits are more important than their pay.D The Equal Pay Act is unnecessary today because all employees are paid according to their performance, not their gender.E All of the above statements accurately describe the stakeholder relationship between employees and their employers.Organizations offer their employees training and development programs to improve their skills, safe and healthy work environments, fair and equitable selection and promotion systems, and jobs designed to increase employee self-esteem in order toA create stronger commitment from its employeesB increase employee satisfactionC increase employee empowermentD improve employee quality of work lifeE do all of the above.A competitive advantage derived from human resources is sustainable for a company whenA it uses a centralized tactical program of close supervisionB its employees have some rare and specialized skill not easily copiedC it has a newly created organizational cultureD its product is intangibleE its customers remember the product and not the salespersonThe most difficult company culture to copy would be one thatA has evolved over time and actually suits the needs of the companyB has evolved over the last twelve monthsC has been used successfully by other companies not in the industryD is based on a tactical pricing and promotion planE supports a newly developed technically-oriented companyAll of the people who currently contribute to doing the work of the organization, those who could potentially contribute in the future, and those who have contributed in the recent past are referred to asA employeesB the HR triadC human resourcesD HR professionalsE customersThe Human Resources Triad containsA top-level, middle-level, and lower-level managersB representatives from each primary stakeholder groupC suppliers, customers, and resellersD line managers, human resource professionals, and employeesE employees, staff managers, and line managersImproving on-time delivery of results to satisfy customers and reinforce or expand informal networks to satisfy employees are common reasons for the expanding use ofA assessment centers in selectionB teamsC employee stock ownershipD synergyE globalizationComplexity is created byA rapidly evolving competition from around the worldB constant innovations in products and servicesC changing organizational structure and strategiesD political and economic dynamicsE all of the above statementsQuestions to be addressed during strategic HR recruitment and planning might includeA How many new hires do we need in the near term and three to five years from now?B Are we prepared to pay top dollar, or would we look for people who will be attracted to our company despite the modest compensation we offer?C What is our plan for downsizing employees?D What competencies do we need from our employees?E All of these are valid questions.Which of the following is not a cost of high turnover?A lost knowledgeB excessive hours for remaining employees.C increased litigationD opportunities missedE more errorsWhich of the following statements about recruitment activities is true?A Recruiting and hiring are interchangeable terms.B Effective recruitment attracts individuals to the organization.C Recruiting has little effect on employee retention.D Recruiting involves sorting and ranking job applicants.E Once hired, employees permanently disengage from the recruiting process.In designing recruitment activities, the two central issues addressed areA cost and applicant fit within the organizational cultureB cost and places to look for applicantsC methods used to find applicants and costD methods used to find applicants and sources to targetE job analyses and places to look for job applicantsJob postingsA can generate ill will if hiring decisions are made before the postings appearB can reduce employee turnover by communicating to employees that they don’t have to go elsewhere to find opportunities for advancementC are used to create an open recruitment processD usually provide complete job descriptionsE are accurately described by all of the aboveA(n) _________ is a database that contains information about the pool of current employees.A organizational job analysesB management information systemC employee information systemD talent inventoryE competency ledgerCompared to external recruitment, internal recruitingA can reduce employee moraleB is less costlyC can diminish employees’ willingness to maximize their productivityD will prevent problems with inbreedingE is accurately described by all of the aboveWhich of the following statements about employee referrals as a job recruitment method is true?A The informal employee referral approach is a very low-cost recruitment method.B Compared with other internal recruiting methods, employee referrals result in the highest one-year survival rate.C The employee referral approach only benefits the employer and not the employee.D The employee referral process is a useful method of increasing diversity.E An organization that relies heavily on employee referral will have no difficulty in complying with equal opportunity goals.Which of the following statements about employment agencies is true?A State employment agencies are supported by a special tax on wholesale products.B Private employment agencies only serve professional and managerial labor.C Employment agencies are a form of internal recruitment.D State employment agencies tend to be small organizations with very limited lists of potential employees.E The Social Security Act provides that most workers who have been laid off must register with the state employment agency in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits.Which of the following organizations would be most likely to use contingent workers?A a manufacturer of disposable diapersB a Christmas tree farmC a restaurant supplierD a pet food manufacturerE an insurance agencyWhich of the following statements about how job applicants view recruiting practices is true?A Job seekers’ perception of how well they fit a job is typically most affected by contacts with the recruiter.B Effective recruiters show interest in job applicants, and in return, applicants show more interest in the job.C Negative impressions about the job tend to be created primarily by the body language used by the recruiter.D High quality job seekers are not deterred by long application processes.E The job recruiter has little impact on how the job applicant perceives the recruiting process.Jessica had applied for a job and now you have to tell her that she will not be hired. As a competent HR professional, you are sending her a letter. In the letter, you haveA told her bluntly but honestly she does not have the skills for the positionB sent a form letter of rejectionC told her that your company needed to hire a minority candidateD included a statement about the size and quality of the applicant poolE told her to lower her career goalsAffirmative action programs (AAPs)A correct underutilization of qualified members of protected groups in an organization’s relevant labor marketB have been in effect since the beginning of the twentieth centuryC are governed by state agenciesD require that all private-sector companies who have more than five employees hire members from protected groupsE specify the employee hiring and firing practices for all private-sector companiesFederal contractors are required to file affirmative action plans with the Office of Federal Compliance Program (OFCCP). These written plans must containA the contractor’s mission statementB the contractor’s plan for diversityC a utilization analysisD job descriptions for every position in the organizationE a talent inventory for every employee and job applicant who is a member of a protected groupCauses of voluntary employee turnover includeA high compensationB high unemployment ratesC lack of other opportunitiesD flexible schedulingE low payWhich of the following statements about fairness is true?A In a capitalistic economic society, organizations are only concerned about fairness when dealing with consumers and competitors.B Fairness is seldom the result of proactive thinking.C Concerns about fairness are typically handled reactively.D Members of the labor force initiate and ultimately create federal and state laws.E Fairness in the workplace is a result of ethical principles, not legal institutions.Line managers, HR professionals, and employees all have roles and responsibilities for ensuring fair treatment in the workplace. Which of the following do all three groups have in common?A Keep accurate and current records about employee performanceB Be informed about laws and regulations protecting employees’ rightsC Administer grievance/ complaint proceduresD Set policy to take into account societal viewsE They have none of these in common. Employees do not take part in this.In a recent downsizing, Maureen, an average performer, was informed via email not to report to work the following Monday as her job had been terminated. Maureen was aware that the downsizing was to occur and was informed of the process by which layoffs would occur, which she thought was fair. All other performers in her work group who were let go had also been rated “average.” MaureenA is probably feeling she has been treated equitably.B probably believes she has been denied procedural justice.C probably believes she has been denied distributive justice.D probably believes she has been denied interactional justice.E b, c, and d are all correct.You perceive that you are being treated unfairly in the workplace. Which of the following actions will help you to resolve the issue in a manner best for you and your organization?A Ignore it and hope it corrects itself.B Have patience. The government will pass legislation soon to help you.C Call a lawyer and find grounds for a lawsuit.D Talk to your supervisor or other appropriate person in the organization about the issue first.E Quit and look for a job more to your liking.Which of the following statements about the relationship between federal and state laws is true?A All companies, no matter how small, are covered under federal laws.B State laws often anticipate (precede) federal laws.C The only difference between state laws and federal laws is the jurisdiction of the agency that enforces them.D Federal and state laws are types of administrative law.E Federal laws never supersede state laws.Executive orders areA created by federal agenciesB dictated by the U.S. ConstitutionC the result of precedent-setting legal casesD issued by the president of the U.S.E state laws that act as precedent for federal lawsThe _____ rule states that because employers are the managers, they have the right to terminate their employees whenever they choose.A termination-at-willB employee non-discriminationC equity treatmentD employment-at-willE employer autonomyWhich of the following is NOT an acceptable reason to terminate an employee?A Incompetence in performance that does not respond to training or to accommodationB Gross or repeated insubordinationC Civil rights violations such as engaging in harassmentD Complaining or testifying about violations of equal pay or wage and hour lawsE All are acceptable reasonsGrievance proceduresA have become nearly universally used in unionized settingsB are consistent with managersâ beliefs that employees have a right to fair treatment.C help lower legal costs associated with resolving employee-employer disputes in courtD increase employee loyalty and commitmentE are accurately described by all of the above_____ is the most popular form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).A MediationB Administrative settlementC Executive orderD ArbitrationE Statutory governanceIf a legal right has been violated and has resulted in injury, the defendant may be required to pay _____ monetary damages to the plaintiff.A distributive and proceduralB compensatory and punitiveC financial and professionalD personal and professionalE present and futureRespect for all employees is when employment decisions are made on the basis of ________ rather than _________.A race, meritB performance, meritC merit, demographic attributesD affirmative action, demographic attributesE demographic attributes, performanceWhich of the following statements about the prevention of harassment is true?A Businesses should enforce a zero tolerance for harassment.B It is relatively easy to create sexual harassment policies that will eliminate harassment.C The EEOC wants businesses to establish a fund from which plaintiffs in harassment cases will be paid.D Harassment-awareness training programs have proven ineffective deterrents.E Policies defining penalties for engaging in activities that may involve harassing need to be narrow and specific in order to be really useful.In order to make sure its sexual harassment policy provides effective guidelines for its managers, the company should write a policy that includesA jokes, slurs, and epithets that are examples of harassmentB termination policies for the accused and the accuserC a requirement that those who have been harassed must report it to managementD the reporting format that will be used in its monthly report to the EEOCE the scale for payment to those who have proven they were harassedThe Privacy Act of 1974A was the first major statute to address the issue of privacy directlyB applies to employees in the private sectorC gives employees control over who gets what informationD is an administrative regulation developed and enforced by the EEOCE has been ruled as unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme CourtMany organizations help their customers train their workforces becauseA it meets the special customer needsB it ensures capabilities of specialized products are fully utilized and recognizedC it can be a source of extra revenueD it ensures customers get the full benefits of the company’s equipmentE All of the above are reasons._____ has the major objective of teaching employees about the organizationâs history, culture, and management practices.A SocializationB TrainingC Organizational instructionD Personnel indoctrinationE BridgingEmployment commitmentA cannot be created, but must be allowed to develop over timeB can be created by intensive socialization and trainingC is never permanentD lasts only as long as the employee gets to perform in a way that is comfortable for him or herE is desirable but not achievableWhat role do an organization’s employees play in training and development?A The effectiveness of training and development requires the support and cooperation of all employees in the system.B All employees are typically involved in designing training systems.C Employees should not view training and development activities as opportunities for socialization.D Research indicates that employees who have not selected a career path are more likely to participate in training and development opportunities.E Only top management should be actively involved in designing and developing training programs.Research shows that a supportive training climate at an organization enhances transfer of training. Which of the following is an indicator of a supportive climate?A Training is held off site after hoursB Employees compete for training opportunitiesC No overtime on training nights for the employees enrolledD The incentives are “If you don’t, it will look bad on your record”E Employees encourage each other to practice newly learned skillsA properly executed organizational needs analysisA results in a clear statement of training goalsB includes an assessment of the organizational climateC identifies available resources and constraintsD begins with an analysis of short and long term strategyE is accurately described by all of the aboveA person needs analysisA is performed before a job-needs analysisB focuses on the generic job incumbent, not the current employeeC identifies gaps between a person’s current capabilities and those identified as necessary for a particular jobD is derived from job analysis and competency modelingE is accurately described by all of the aboveFive components are necessary to ensure that you are setting up the proper conditions for effective training. Which of the following is NOT one of the five?A People need to know what it is they are to learnB People need to be motivated to put in the required effortC People must be shown how to acquire the needed competenciesD All need to feel personally accountable for what they have learnedE People need to become engaged in learning for learning’s own sakeDuring the recent workshop Martin attended, he practiced learning how to talk to his co-workers, how to listen to what they are saying, and how to read their nonverbal communication. This workshop was designed to produceA an affective outcomeB improved skillsC cognitive knowledgeD a more versatile skills inventoryE more intelligent employeesDuring a recent day-long training session, Ashley and a group of co-workers were asked to solve several puzzles that required the group to work closely together. As they finished each puzzle, the group’s sense of camaraderie increased. The members started the session as acquaintances and ended as friends. From this information, you would know this training session was designed to produceA an affective outcomeB a skill-based outcomeC cognitive knowledgeD a more versatile skills inventoryE more intelligent employeesWhich of the following is a type of on-the-job training?A assessment centersB role playingC interactive video trainingD internshipsE programmed instructionEven though the instructions for mixing paint colors were quite clear, the supervisor who was training the new hardware store clerk had her watch an actual demonstration of the mixing of a can of Desert Rose and a can of Newport Blue paint. The trainer used _____ to set the stage for learning.A shapingB enactive masteryC knowledge managementD behavior modelingE task segmentationPossible recipients of global leadership training and development includeA expatriatesB inpatriatesC global managersD headquarters staffE all of the aboveWhich of the following statements about why unionization and collective bargaining are important is true?A Employers typically do not change their methods of operation when union organizers appear.B The core of union-management relations is the grievance procedure.C Unionization typically gives employers more flexibility in hiring new workers.D Unions obtain rights for their members that employees without unions do not legally have.E All of the above statements about why unionization and collective bargaining are important are trueWhat are the responsibilities of line managers in unionization and collective bargaining?A to understand why employees are likely to join a unionB to manage employees with respect and equalityC to support the efforts of HR professionals in developing and implementing policies to support good working conditionsD to know what can and can’t be said to employees regarding unionization during an organizing campaignE to do all of the aboveNational unionsA are umbrella organizations like the AFL-CIOB are all affiliated with the AFL-CIOC develop the general policies and procedures by which local unions operateD serve as the primary arbitrator in employee-employer disputesE routinely assist local unions in grievance-handlingLocal unions elect a(n) _____, an employee elected by his or her work unit to act as the union representative at the workplace and to respond to company actions against employees that may violate the labor agreement.A employee spokespersonB union liaisonC union stewardD business representativeE union delegateOne major function of the National Labor Relations Board is toA conduct the process in which a union is chosen to represent employeesB supervise the internal activities and finances of unionsC settle employee-employer disputesD encourage the certification of unionsE reduce the number of economic strikesWhat is the first step in the union certification process?A gain employer approval of unionizationB union-employee contactC get sufficient number of employees to sign authorization cardsD set up a meeting between employees and an NLRB representativeE inform all stakeholders of union interestWhich of the following statements during the election campaign would probably be viewed negatively by the NLRB?A Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment says that unions are costly to the employees because of union dues.B Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment says that if a union is formed, strikes may occur.C The union promises that a grievance procedure will ensure fair treatment of employees.D The union promises higher wages.E Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment says that layoffs will occur if a union is elected.Decertification electionsA are conducted by employersB can remove a union from representationC are conduced by the local unionD are conducted by the national unionE can pre-empt the card-signing campaignWhich of the following is an example of a condition that strongly influences an employee’s decision to join a union?A organizational mission statementB union instrumentalityC employee personalityD management’s open door policyE a lack of formalizationCollective bargaining is a complex process in which union members and management negotiators maneuver to win the most advantageous contract. How the issues are settled depends onA the quality of the union-management relationshipB whether the organization is centralizedC the degree of formalization within the organizationD the organizational missionE all of the aboveWhich of the following types of bargaining used in contract negotiation results in a win-lose situation?A intraorganizationalB distributiveC integrativeD continuousE concessionaryWhich of the following statements about the composition of negotiating committees is true?A The employer and the union together select the management representative.B Lawyers are not selected as members of negotiating committees.C National union representatives are not included in any negotiating committee.D The union does not have to have management approval of its representative on the negotiating committee.E No one who is not a member of the union or an employee of the organization can be a member of the negotiating committee.Before negotiations with the union, management needs toA survey employees to find out what union demands are before they are put on the tableB prepare statistical displays and supportive data that the company will need during negotiationsC hire a labor relations expert to make sure nothing illegal is agreed toD announce across-the-board pay increasesE confirm its bargaining position with the National Labor Relations BoardWhich of the following is an example of a mandatory issue to be discussed during a collective bargaining session?A number of new hiresB pricing strategy for new productsC wage ratesD product designE new product development processThe most direct and dramatic response to a union-management negotiation deadlock that the union can make is aA primary boycottB work slowdownC lockoutD strikeE secondary boycottA mediatorA is a neutral third party that helps the union and management negotiators reach a voluntary agreementB must have the trust and respect of both parties if he or she is to have any successC must have sufficient expertise to convince the union and employer he or she will be fair and equitableD has no power to impose a solution, he or she can only facilitateE is accurately described by all of the aboveThe most common type of grievance filed by unions is ____________.A discipline and dischargeB allocation of overtimeC allocation of shift workD safety and healthE improper promotionsWhich of the following is a good measure of how well the union-management negotiation process works?A the need for government interventionB the duration of contract negotiationsC the use of mediation and arbitrationD the outcome of member ratification votesE all of the above
My plans for the Future
The contemporary society is a rather cruel environment. Those, who are confident, experienced and wealthy, feel at home in it, but there are people who need help adjusting to the existing conditions, and those are social workers who provide them help and support. In my opinion, children are the most vulnerable group, the one that […]