Andragogy: The Art and Science of Teaching Adults
Andragogy is a term that refers to the theory, methods and activities involved in teaching adult learners. The word comes from the Greek roots “andr-“, meaning “adult male”, and “-agogos”, meaning “leader of”. Therefore, andragogy literally means “leading men (adult males)”, whereas “pedagogy” literally means “leading children” (Wikipedia, 2021).
Andragogy is based on a humanistic conception of self-directed and autonomous learners, where teachers are defined as facilitators of learning. Andragogy recognizes that adults have different characteristics and needs than children, such as:
– Need to know: Adults need to know the reason for learning something.
– Experience: Adults have a rich and diverse source of prior knowledge and skills that can be used as a basis for learning.
– Self-concept: Adults need to be responsible for their own decisions and actions regarding their education.
– Readiness: Adults are more motivated to learn when the topic is relevant to their personal or professional goals.
– Orientation: Adults are more problem-centered than content-oriented in their learning approach.
– Motivation: Adults respond better to internal rather than external factors for learning (Knowles, 1973).
Andragogy is not a single theory, but rather a field of systematic reflection that encompasses various approaches and theories that are evolving in view of the changing contexts and modes of adult education. Andragogy is also influenced by globalization, technology and online learning, which pose new challenges and opportunities for adult learners and educators (Omoregie, 2021).
Andragogy is an academic discipline within university programs that focus on the education of adults. Andragogy also exists today worldwide as a professional practice that aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of adult learning (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021).
Andragogy is both an art and a science of teaching adults. It requires creativity, flexibility and responsiveness from the educators, as well as rigorous research and evidence-based practice. Andragogy is a dynamic and evolving field that strives to meet the diverse and changing needs of adult learners in various settings and situations.
– Knowles, M. (1973). The adult learner: A neglected species. Gulf Publishing Company.
– Omoregie, E. (2021). Adult Learning Theory: A Review of Theories, Principles, Assumptions, Approaches & Frameworks. International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies, 9(2), 76-85.
– Wikipedia. (2021). Andragogy.
– Cambridge Dictionary. (2021). Andragogy.