BKAI3043 Individual Project A211_new version



FIRST SEMESTER A211 2021/2022

Individual Project Guideline The Project: This project aims to provide an opportunity to understand the issues surrounding corporate governance practices in the world. The following guidelines should be used to carry out the project: 1. Maximum page: Strictly not more than five pages, excluding references. 2. This individual assignment contributes 10% of the total 40% of BKAI3043’s full

marks. 3. I need help writing my essay – research paper make sure that the following requirements are met:

1. Project needs to be written in English, single or double spacing and 11 or 12

font- size, and paginated. 2. I need help writing my essay – research paper refer to the document template to prepare the project paper (file:

Template for individual assignment.docx) 3. I need help writing my essay – research paper upload the completed report via Turnitin Assignment on UUM Online

Learning. The similarity index should not be more than 25%. 4. I need help writing my essay – research paper quote your references and data sources using Ace homework tutors – APA format.

The Task: 1. Choose one of the topics below and write an essay discussing the topic.

a) Impacts of corporate governance on corporate social responsibility: A review b) Impacts of corporate governance on company financial performance: A review c) Effects of corporate governance on Earning Managements: A review d) Effects of corporate governance on Capital Structure: A review e) Effects of corporate governance on Voluntary disclosure: A review f) Effects of corporate sustainability on company performance: A review g) Impacts of board diversity on firm financial performance: A review h) Impacts of board diversity on corporate social responsibility: A review i) Effects of gender diversity on financial performance: A review j) Effects of internal control on risk management: A review

2. Every topic is only limited to 5 people. Inform your choice to your instructor. 3. I need help writing my essay – research paper submit the report by 15 January 2022 via UUM Online Learning (Turnitin


FIRST SEMESTER A211 2021/2022
Individual Project Guideline

Individual Project A211 new version BKAI3043



A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A211 A

Guideline for Individual Projects The Goal of the Project: The goal of this project is to provide an opportunity to learn about the issues surrounding global corporate governance procedures. The project should be carried out according to the following guidelines: 1. Maximum page length: excluding references, no more than five pages. 2. This individual assignment accounts for 10% of the overall 40% of BKAI3043’s full credit.

3. I need help writing my essay – research paper double-check that the following conditions are met:

1. The project must be written in English with 11 or 12 point spacing and single or double spacing.

font-size, as well as pagination. 2. To prepare the project paper, please use the document template (file:

Individual Assignment Template.docx) 3. I need help writing my essay – research paper submit the filled form.

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Research Helper
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