Ohlone College
Biology 110
Term paper Rubric
Excellent >46/50 Good 40-45/50 Acceptable 30-
epidemiology of
chosen cancer
presented with
explanation for at
least 3 risk factors
as to how they
increase risk.
Incorporates what
is taught in class
into analyzing
Presents the
incidence of the
cancer in the US
and globally. Risk
factors addressed
but very little
explanation of
risk factors and
how they affect
risk. Weak
analysis of risk
factors and
incorporation of
taught material
information is
present. Risk
factors are only
mentioned and not
maybe present
but no
information on
risk factors and
no analysis of
any sort
Types of the
cancer explained
with reference to
the known risk
factors mentioned
in the previous
section. The types
of cancer are
explained as to
how they are
similar and
different. Cell and
genetic differences
between the types
of cancer
Types of cancer
are mentioned
and there is some
information on
each cancer type
but no
explanation or
analysis of these
factors and how
they relate to the
between the
types mentioned
but not
Types of cancer are
mentioned but
very little
explanation or
analysis on the risk
factors and cancer
Types of cancer
are mentioned
in passing. No
analysis or
The type of cancer
chosen is
explained in detail.
Information from
cell culture
studies, transgenic
animal studies,
human tissue
investigation etc is
well analyzed.
There is mention
about the cancer
is presented as
collection of facts
without much
explanation or
only a few
aspects are
explained. Only
one or two genes
are mentioned
Only a collection of
facts presented
with no
explanation or the
explanation is very
general with no
specific analysis. A
few genes are
mentioned with
little or no
The cancer type
is presented as
a collection of
facts only
of specific genetic
changes and how
these changes
contribute to
carcinogenesis is
well addressed.
with no other
Therapy options
are explained well
with explanation
of mechanism for
at least two
therapy options
Therapy options
are listed and one
explained in
moderate detail
Only therapy
options listed with
no explanation
Therapy options
are not
discussed at all
Overall, the paper
has the student’s
analysis making
connections to
what has been
taught in the class
in every
paragraph. The
paper has a lot of
student produced
The paper has a
few references to
the class and
what was learned
in class.
The paper has less
than 3 speculations
based on what was
taught in class.
The paper does
not refer to the
learned in class
at all.
Outcomes-based Cycle of Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment
Dynamic Cycle of Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment Clinical Experience Summary During my second year as a registered nurse in the emergency department, I encountered a challenging case that tested my clinical judgment skills. A 68-year-old male patient presented with complaints of sudden onset chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. The patient’s vital signs […]