1) Introduction (5 points)
a. Background info on studied organism with citations:
i. Is the observed phenomena explicitly stated?
ii. Are there three parenthetical in-text citations?
iii. Do the citations give background information about the organism being studied?
b. Question driving the experiment:
i. Is the research Question explicitly stated?
c. Hypothesis:
i. Is the proposed testable explanation for the observed phenomenon explicitly stated?
2) Materials and Methods (10 points):
a. Are ALL of the materials needed for the experiment listed and neatly organized?
b. Are ALL of the methodological steps given in a format that can be read out loud like a story (no personal pronouns)?
c. Are enough details given in order replicate the experiment exactly the same if someone was reading the paper?
d. Is a precise prediction given for the results of the experiment if the proposed hypothesis is true?
3) Works Cited (5 points):
a. Is there a separate heading labeled “Works Cited”?
b. Are all three sources listed (from introduction) accurately in Ace homework tutors – APA format?
The Great Controversy of Newton and Leibniz
The great controversy as to who discovered the Calculus first, either Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz, is indeed a sordid affair, which has sullied the arena of science. Boyer speaks the truth when he says that no invention in science or mathematics can be said to be the accomplishment of one or two persons (1959, […]