Question description
I need a beach resort description,-no island, no palm trees, no surf-diving schools or banana rides,- like the building across the beach, the people, the souvenir shops, and restaurants, max one page, the sea has to have a wreck ship description, I will attach the documents for inspirationyou know the drills: SHOW, don’t tellExample:the difference between the two? Well, “telling” is the reliance on simple exposition: Mary was an old woman.”Showing,” on the other hand, is the use of evocative description: Mary moved slowly across the room, her hunched form supported by a polished wooden cane gripped in a gnarled, swollen-jointed hand that was covered by translucent, liver-spotted skin.Both showing and telling convey the same information — Mary is old — but the former simply states it flat-out, and the latter — well, read the example over again and you’ll see it never actually states that fact at all, and yet nonetheless leaves no doubt about it in the reader’s mind.Why is showing better? Two reasons. First, it creates mental pictures for the reader. When reviewers use terms like “vivid,” “evocative,” or “cinematic” to describe a piece of prose, they really mean the writer has succeeded at showing, rather than merely telling.