A-Distractions 250 words
Based on Dr. Fozard’s message from this week’s media, respond to the
following questions:
What distractions do you think could possibly derail your goal of
completing your education?
What steps do you plan to take to stay balanced and yet still focused on
your goals?
B-250 words
Mindset About Intelligence
After viewing the Growing Your Mind and the Power of Belief and
Mindset and Success videos, describe your mindset about intelligence
and abilities as it existed before viewing these videos and how your view
might have changed (or not) after viewing the videos. What impact (if
any) does the understanding of a fluid intelligence have on your goals,
priorities and attitudes? Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include in-text citations of direct quotes from the
videos that you feel have influenced your personal goals, priorities or
Part C- write a one-paragraph answer for each of the 13 questions
1. What are your priorities? If someone looked deeply into your life, could they see what your
priorities truly are? This is not to judge, but simply to get to reality. Is it sports, money, family,
faith, health? What are they in order? And are they what they should be? Align your priorities
with your life and with those in your life and watch the relational connectivity improve almost
2. When do you tend to run people over? Is it at work when it happens or is it at home with your
family? Why do you think it is happening? Lastly, do you even recognize it is happening?
3. Is there a character issue in your life that is causing you to disconnect or disengage? For
many leaders, there is a secret character issue that continues to undermine them. Face it. Tell
one person you trust about it so that it can come out into the light and stop letting that issue
boss you around?
4. Is there a relationship that needs to be set right?
5. Where has your influence declined? At work or at home, is your influence diminishing? Ask
yourself if those people believe that you are for them, or do they think that you are for yourself
or against them? Determine to fight for their highest possible good and be brave enough to face
6. What are you afraid of losing? Is it salary, control, respect, time, and so on? When you face
your fear it will have less control over you. Oftentimes these fears cause us to strain and stress
to a degree that we run over others.
7. . Do people want to follow you or simply have to follow you?
8. When do you start working? Do you wake up and begin to check your email as the very first
thing? Have you noticed how this affects relationships, your mindset, and the rest of the day?
9. . Do you recharge well at home? If you work from home or lead kids, are there any intentional
breaks or times to recharge or is everything simply one big task list? Do you manage your
schedule appropriately or has it gotten out of control?
10. Do you get quality time with others? When you get time with others are you able to
disconnect your task world and connect with the person you are with appropriately?
11. When was the last time you had a meaningful connection with someone else? Would others
say that you know them?
12. At work, do you know what is going on in the personal lives of those you work with? Would
they say you did?
13. What is the reality of your meetings? When you have a meeting do you try to connect
personally before getting into the task at
Part DIn a free download of GiANT’s workbook, “10 Tips to Becoming a Leader
Worth Following”, the question is asked: “What’s it like to be on the other
side of me?” followed by the statement: “Self-awareness is a
foundational component of leadership. liberating leaders understand that
you have to know yourself to lead yourself, and you have to lead yourself
before you lead others.
One way to better know and understand yourself is to take the Jung
Typology Test sometimes know as the Meyers-Briggs test. Even if you
have taken this test before, it is interesting and useful to periodically
re-take to compare your results to prior results. Click on the “Take the
Test” link found on the Jung Typology Test page.
After you complete the test, go back to the Jung Typology Link and click
on the “full description” link located on the bottom left of that page. From
the description provided, write a document and describe in detail your
test results then explain how this insight into your temperament can be
of benefit to you. If you have previously taken this test, also state
whether the results changed or came out the same as your previous
results. If you have not taken this test before, also state that in y
response to this assignment. This assignment should be 300-500 words


A-Distractions 250 characters
Respond to the following questions based on Dr. Fozard’s message from this week’s media.

the following inquiries:

What types of distractions do you believe could derail your goal?

completed your schooling?

What steps do you intend to take to be balanced while remaining focused on your goals?

what are your objectives?

B-250 words

Mindset About Intelligence

After viewing the Growing Your Mind and the Power of Belief and

Mindset and Success videos, describe your mindset about intelligence

and abilities as it existed before viewing these videos and how your view

might have changed (or not) after viewing the videos. What impact (if

any) does the understanding of a fluid intelligence have on your goals,

priorities and attitudes? Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include in-text citations of direct quotes from the

videos that you

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