Question 1The company mechanic suggested to the owner of Lincoln Cab Company that to increase the cars’ fuel efficiency the firm should install Cherry Bomb glasspack mufflers in all of the cabs. The owner, who was pleased the mechanic was concerned about the firmâs profitability, instructed the mechanic to install the new mufflers. In terms of the buying center, the mechanic filled the roles of:initiator and influencerdecider and gatekeeperinitiator, decider, and useruser, influencer, and gatekeeperuser and decider4 points Question 2Laptop ComputersJason Lee, the warehouse manager for a small manufacturer of valves used in heating and cooling systems, wants all of the company’s sales force to record each sale on a laptop computer and send the information to the office at the end of each workday. This use of technology will make the processing of orders quicker. Lee has suggested his idea to the salespeople at a quarterly meeting, and they concur that the plan is excellent. Lee then discussed this option with the company president Wilson Arno, who agreed to buy laptops for all the salespeople. Arno contacted the company’s purchasing agent Ron Talbot and authorized the purchase.Refer to Laptop Computers. Lee, Arno, Talbot, and the company’s sales force were all involved in the decision-making process for the laptop computer purchase. These people represent a:purchasing groupdecision boardpurchasing departmentplanning groupbuying center4 points Question 3Kinkoâs Service Corporation of Ventura (copy centers) and Xerox Engineering Systems have worked together to establish a nationwide network for faxing large-format documents. In other words, the two companies have joined in a:retail cooperativedirect investment venturetransactional relationshipstrategic alliancesynergistic relationship4 points Question 4One common instrument used in _____ situations is the purchasing contract.reciprocalstraight-rebuynew-buyextended-rebuymodified-rebuy4 points Question 5Etruscan Railing CompanyEtruscan Railing Company makes railing that is used in sports arenas, nursing home corridors, queue houses at amusement parks, and many other places that are not as obvious. Its railing is molded into bicycle racks. You may also see city governments using the railing to make walkways over ravines and creek banks safer for pedestrian traffic. Hospitals also use the railing in their physical therapy departments, to keep the lines straight in the hospital cafeteria, and to prevent patients from falling out of hospital beds.Refer to Etruscan Railing Company. Etruscan has experienced a strong increase in railing sales as a result of the growth of college football. This increase in the demand for railings as a result of the demand for new football stadiums is called _____ demand.jointderivedinelasticfluctuatingelastic4 points Question 6For several years, the California Association of Pistachio Growers (CAPG) has purchased decorative tins for shipping its products from Decorative Arts, Inc. CAPG likes the attractiveness of the Decorative Arts tins but wants to have metal dividers added to the tins it buys. This would be an example of a new buyTrueFalse4 points Question 7Since it has been medically proven that watching fish reduces anxiety, many physicians’ offices have installed large fish tanks in their waiting rooms. There has been a tank in Dr. McKinnon’s office for six years. Yesterday, his receptionist went to the pet store and purchased three replacement goldfish after a patient commented on the fact that there were no living fish in the aquarium. Which of the following statements correctly describes the buying center?The patient was the decider.The patient was the gatekeeper.The receptionist was a decider, purchaser, and initiator.The patient was an initiator and an influencer.The receptionist was a gatekeeper.4 points Question 8Laptop ComputersJason Lee, the warehouse manager for a small manufacturer of valves used in heating and cooling systems, wants all of the company’s sales force to record each sale on a laptop computer and send the information to the office at the end of each workday. This use of technology will make the processing of orders quicker. Lee has suggested his idea to the salespeople at a quarterly meeting, and they concur that the plan is excellent. Lee then discussed this option with the company president Wilson Arno, who agreed to buy laptops for all the salespeople. Arno contacted the company’s purchasing agent Ron Talbot and authorized the purchase.Refer to Laptop Computers. The role Lee played in the laptop computer purchase was:decidergatekeeperinfluencerinitiatoruser4 points Question 9Wrestling MerchandiseMarket research has shown that 6- to 17-year-old males, 18- to 24-year-old females, and 18- to 44-year-old males are most likely to watch a televised professional wrestling event or to attend a live match. Wrestling events are regularly broadcast in 120 different countries. Merchandise licensed by World Wrestling Entertainment (formerly known as the World Wrestling Federation) can be purchased at JCPenney and Wal-Mart. Clothes for adults are used to reach markets that may not buy action figures, video games, and novelty candy, but who are still proud to sport World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) trademarks.Refer to Wrestling Merchandise. Prior to the 1990s, professional wrestling tried to compete as a legitimate sport just like football and baseball. Now it uses the term “sports entertainment” when talking about what it is marketing to its fans. This is an example of the implementation of a(n) _____ strategy.multisegmentproduct differentiationundifferentiated marketingtarget marketrepositioning4 points Question 10Atomic Ranchis a new magazine that targets people who grew up in ranch-style houses, now own ranch-style houses, and appreciate articles about the history of the style and sensitive makeovers that keep the essential ranch style while allowing for modern conveniences. Similar to magazines that target people who love Victorian houses, this new publication relies on _____ variables to identify its target market.psychographicdemographicusage rategeodemographicfamily life cycle4 points Question 11SM: The Magazine for Single Motherswas introduced by Mystic Publications, Inc. in the fall of 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers. The first national bi-monthly consumer magazine for single mothers, SM has an independent editorial spirit and addresses the distinctive legal, family, and financial concerns of the many single mothers in the United States. The segmentation base used to define the publicationâs target market was based on _____ variables.geodemographicgeographicdemographiclifestylepsychographic4 points Question 12Which of the following is NOT one of the four criteria identified in the text for successful market segmentation?substantialityidentifiability and measurabilityaccountabilityaccessibilityresponsiveness4 points Question 13Hale Professional Landscaping, Inc. finds that the most difficult firms to provide service for are the _____. This group considers numerous, even unfamiliar suppliers, solicits bids, and carefully analyzes options; therefore, it requires a higher level of customer service and follow-up on quotations.actualizersstriverssatisficersoptimizersearly adopters4 points Question 14E&V Bridal Studios, a wedding consulting business, only works with Eastern Asian customers who want to use their cultural heritage in their wedding ceremonies. What type of segmentation strategy does the wedding consultant use?market aggregationundifferentiated targetingmultisegment marketingconcentrated targetinglimited demand4 points Question 15The closer together two brands are on a perceptual map the:less perceptually alike they arecloser their prices aremore objectively alike they aremore likely an undifferentiated marketing strategy is in effectmore similarly perceived by consumers they are4 points Question 16Mattel is trying several different strategies to sustain brand growth in slow markets. It has developed a line of high-fashion clothes to be sold under the Barbie label as well as a perfume for preteen girls. In another move, it announced Barbie would “spend some time apart” from Ken, her long-term male doll companion. In addition, Mattel has developed a line of women’s clothing under the Barbie label. Sales of Barbie were flat in 2003 and fell in 2004. Mattel is _____ the Barbie brand in order to grow.repositioningdemarketingreverse engineeringshowcasingmass marketing4 points Question 17Finding that having to pester mom to take them to get their film processed inhibited kids from taking pictures, Kodak introduced a camera set that included a single-use camera packaged with an envelope to mail the film back to Kodak for developing. Kodak’s segmentation plan used _____ segmentation.ethnicityincomeagegenderoccupation4 points Question 18InterfaceInterface, a manufacturer of floor covering products, has recently entered into an agreement with Cargill, Inc. and Dow Chemical Company to develop a carpeting manufactured from corn fiber, rather than the traditional nylon. Interface hopes to develop a biodegradable carpet tile that will be sold to the public at prices only slightly higher than nylon carpet tiles. Interface’s CEO has repeatedly said the mission of his company is to look for manufacturing materials that are renewable and are not petroleum dependent.Refer to Interface. Which of the following is the BEST example of a nonmarketing-controlled information source for floor tiling?a store display showing the various colors of tiles availablean ad inBetter Homes & Gardensfor floor tilesa salesperson at a store that specializes in floor coveringsa brochure explaining why the corn-based floor tiles are superior to nylon onesa discussion with co-workers about the best floor tiles to buy4 points Question 19An attitude toward a product is:easy to changea person’s point of view about the productthe same as a beliefthe same as “intention to buy”of short duration4 points Question 20A newly hired employee at a advertising agency chose the clothes she purchased for work by observing the clothes she saw worn inThe Apprentice, a popular television reality show. In this example, the women hoping to work for Donald Trump served as primary reference groups.TrueFalse4 points Question 21Becca, a college student, tends to buy the same brands of toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant as her _____, which is often the strongest source of group influence upon the individual for many product purchases.psychographic groupsocial classfamilysubculturedissociative group4 points Question 22As a marketing tool in the United States, social class:is useful for lifestyle distinctions between groupsis just a simple measure of income leveloffers few insights concerning consumer behavioris not used because the United States is a classless societyhas demonstrated that all classes of consumers shop in the same stores4 points Question 23Wanda approaches the purchase decision of milk with much lower level of human involvement than the purchase of a new handbag due to:opportunity coststhe fear of cognitive dissonancesituational factorsthe social visibility of the two productsnone of the choices influence involvement4 points Question 24When Avril went to purchase a birthday card for her new boyfriend, she went to three stores and spent four hours reading over five hundred cards before selecting the perfect one. This card (which cost $3.25) is properly designated a high-involvement product because of:brand loyaltysituational factorsfinancial riskcognitive dissonancetrial investment4 points Question 25An external information search is especially important when:there is a great deal of past experiencethere are high cost associated with making an incorrect decisionthe cost of gathering information is highbuying frequently purchased, low-cost itemsthere is little risk of making an incorrect decision
Travelling Experience
Can you remember your best experince in another country? Last summer (in 2007), I traveled to the United States for working and spending some time with my friends. I stayed two months in that country. I decided to travel because I wanted to do something different. I was bored about all my daily activities, so […]