Question description

Use the Internet and locate your states (prefered) or any other state’s department of children and families. This may be called something different in each state, so don’t worry if the name isn’t exact. You may see department of social services or department of family services.  At the federal level, it is the Department of Health and Human Services.  Once you locate the organization at the state level write a 1,050- to 1,400-word synopsis addressing the following:Record the web address and name of the agency you reviewed at the State level.What is the mission of the agency?  Write a page paper – Describe .What types of services are available for families?   Provide descriptors of the SNAP, Employment First, Refugee Resettlement and Energy Assistance programs. Are there youth facilities for children who have been in trouble?  If so, describe the different services available.Can one apply for benefits on-line?  If so, how?Is there a number for Adult and Child Abuse and Neglect?  What are the numbers, when can you contact and what for?Does the agency have a “social media” presence? Meaning are their YouTube videos, recorded public service announcements, training for families? If so, highlight what type of media presence and what might be the benefit of having a media presence.Keep in mind you should be discussing what you researched and go beyond merely answering a question with “yes” or “no” but discuss.  Do not just copy and paste information from the website.Be sure paper is in APA format with introduction and summarizing conclusion.Submit to the Assignments Files tab. 

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