Assume you are an investigative reporter for a major publication (magazine or newspaper) who has been assigned to research important issues (ethnic, racial, gender, or class) that are causing problems and affecting people in a local area, workplace, or specific part of the world. Your goal is to provide both an in-depth analysis of and put a human face on this issue by writing a series of articles that the editor plans to publish in two major parts. For this assignment, you will write Part 1 of your series of articles, which focuses on the history, current issues, problems caused by the issues, and proposed changes.

1. In the first 1–2 paragraphs, introduce the topic area(Social class issues in the U.S) with a quote, question, and/or statistic (from your credible sources), along with an overview and a thesis statement. (Grab the reader’s interest.)
2. Explain 3–5 major historical factors (social events/attitudes, wars, laws, economy, political environment, et cetera) in the past 50–100 years that have contributed to the current issue(s) and problems for this topic area (Social class issues in the U.S). Explain how historical factors impact current issues.
3. Analyze 3–5 major current issues/problems (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) for this topic area (Social class issues in the U.S).
4. Describe 1–2 groups of people affected by the issue/problem, including 2–3 quotes and/or paraphrased comments from the people affected (from your reliable sources).
5. Propose 2–3 changes (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) that could possibly improve the situation. (Changes can be proposed and extracted from examples from other countries, localities, or workplaces that you found in your reliable sources.) Explain the interventions attempted to rectify the issue. Plagiarism Free Papers

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“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
In the United States, social class issues have been a persistent problem for many decades, resulting in inequalities and disparities that have significant negative impacts on people’s lives. According to a recent report by the Brookings Institution, the wealth gap between the top 1% and bottom 50% has widened significantly in the past 40 years, with the top 1% now owning 15 times more wealth than the bottom 50%. This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need to address social class issues in the U.S.

Historical Factors
The history of the United States is marked by a series of events and policies that have contributed to social class issues. One of the major factors that have contributed to social class inequality is the decline of labor unions. In the 1950s, over 30% of American workers were unionized, which helped to increase wages and improve working conditions. However, in recent decades, the number of unionized workers has declined to less than 10%, resulting in a decrease in the bargaining power of workers.
Another significant factor that has contributed to social class issues is the changing nature of the U.S. economy. The shift from manufacturing to service-based industries has resulted in the loss of many high-paying jobs, and the increasing use of contract and part-time workers has led to an increase in income insecurity and a decrease in benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans.

The tax policy has also played a significant role in contributing to social class issues. In the 1980s, the Reagan administration introduced a series of tax cuts for the wealthy, resulting in a decrease in government revenue and an increase in income inequality.

Current Issues
Today, social class issues continue to plague the United States. One of the most pressing issues is income inequality, which is at its highest level since the 1920s. The top 1% of earners now take home over 20% of all income, while the bottom 50% of earners make less than 13% of all income. This income disparity has resulted in a lack of access to healthcare, education, and other basic needs for low-income families.
Another current issue is the lack of affordable housing. Due to rising housing costs, many families are forced to live in substandard housing or are unable to afford rent or mortgages, resulting in a significant increase in homelessness.

People Affected
The impact of social class issues is felt most acutely by low-income families and individuals. According to a recent report by the U.S. Census Bureau, over 38 million people in the U.S. live below the poverty line. The lack of access to basic needs such as healthcare, education, and affordable housing has a profound impact on the physical and mental health of those affected. As one low-income individual stated, “I can barely afford to put food on the table, let alone pay for my medication.”

Proposed Changes
Several changes could be implemented to improve the situation. For example, the government could increase the minimum wage, which would help to reduce income inequality and provide low-wage workers with a living wage. Another change could be to provide universal healthcare, which would ensure that all individuals have access to medical care regardless of their income level.

Furthermore, affordable housing programs could be implemented to address the current housing crisis. One example is the Housing First program, which provides homeless individuals with permanent housing and supportive services, which has been successful in reducing homelessness in several cities.

In conclusion, social class issues in the U.S. are a persistent problem that requires urgent attention. By addressing historical factors and proposing changes, it is possible to improve the situation and ensure that all individuals have access

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Ace Tutors
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