Task 1 Problem Analysis Brief (10 Marks) Identification of a problem with an understanding of the context, the challenges, uncertainties and risks. (3-5 page essay)
• Identification of an engineering problem or challenge from a practical or theoretical perspective
• Analysis of its social/economic/technical context and impacts
• Literature review of existing responses and/or solutions to the engineering problem or challenge
• Identification and discussion of uncertainties and risks
(ethical/social/technical) associated with the problem/challenge and/or solutions.
Written communication features:
• Critical analysis and synthesis
• Appropriate technical language
• Well structured (presentation and organisation) and correct referencing
High Distinction (85-100%) An outstanding essay that provides the reader with a comprehensive and insightful understanding of each of the four components.
The problem or challenge is presented coherently. There is high level analysis of the problem/challenge context and impacts. A wide variety of literature is used to highlight current responses to the problem. Engagement with the literature and discussion of risks and uncertainties demonstrates high level critical analysis and synthesis.
Language use is error free and of a high degree of professional accuracy. The essay is extremely well presented and organised. Accurately referenced throughout.
Distinction (75-84%) A superior essay that provides the reader with a solid understanding of each of the four components.
The problem or challenge is presented coherently. There is analysis of the problem/challenge context and impacts. A variety of literature is used to highlight current responses to the problem. Engagement with the literature and discussion of risks and uncertainties demonstrates critical analysis and synthesis. Language use is largely error free and a degree of professional accuracy. The essay is well presented and organised. Accurately referenced throughout with minor or occasional lapses.
(65-74%) The essay provides the reader with a good understanding of each of the four components.
The problem or challenge is presented coherently. There is some analysis of the problem/challenge context and impacts. Some literature is used to highlight current responses to the problem but could have been more comprehensive or relevant. Online assignment help tutors – Discussion demonstrates critical analysis and synthesis in places.
Language use is comprehensible and mostly professional with some lapses in formality or accuracy. The essay is mostly well
presented and organised with some areas for improvement. There is limited or inaccurate referencing in places.
(50-64%) The essay provides the reader with a brief but satisfactory understanding of each of the four components.
The problem or challenge is presented briefly and with limited analysis. There is limited to no analysis of the problem/challenge context and impacts. Limited literature is used to describe current responses to the problem but could have been more significant, comprehensive or relevant. Online assignment help tutors – Discussion is limited to description rather than analysis or synthesis.
Language use is comprehensible and mostly professional with some lapses in formality or accuracy. Writing style in places may lead to difficulty of understanding for the reader. The essay is presented and organised with some areas for improvement. There is limited or inaccurate referencing in places. Referencing might be absent.
Not yet passed (0-49%) The essay has not yet demonstrated the level required for a pass. To receive a pass grade, the essay needs to be improved and resubmitted as advised in feedback.
Resubmitted work will receive no more than a pass grade (50%).
Access Control Methods
Security Question (60 points) Research some of the access control methods that are utilized within your organization. For example, does your organization leverage public key infrastructure (PKI), key card authentication, or login hours? If you are not currently working, what access control methods have you seen, and how effective were the control methods? Explore the […]