Leadership Essay Outline

Leadership Essay Outline

Thesis: To guarantee success throughout a mission, the charge of the Noncommissioned Officer, is imperative to set the standard. The six principles of Mission Control define the philosophies and regards of every soldier, from highest to least ranking. Defining and understanding each principle, detailing an experience parallel to the principle, and critiquing and reviewing experiences, are best methods to determine success of the commander’s direction and authority.

Paragraph 1: Build Cohesive Teams through mutual Respect
1. The ideal of a progressive team is one where respect, where there is “confidence among commanders, subordinates, and partners” (ADRP 6-0, 2-1).
2. Trust is established through communication, performance, experience, reference, and review.
3. When all figures in a group have respect for one another soldiers are “willing to exercise initiative if they believe their higher commander will accept and support the outcome of their decisions” (2-1).
4. When everyone understands their strengths and limitations, it fosters a well-rounded individual.

Paragraph 2: Create Shared Understanding

1. Furthermore, once a team full of respect is assembled, the goal now is get everyone on the same page. This means to manifest a shared understanding
2. The group whether it be a unit, a platoon, or a section, must take on collaborative effects so goal achievement can be easier sought.
3. As a leader, I understand that as the ADRP states, “collaboration is not merely coordination. Collaboration is two or more people or organizations working together towards a common goal,” therefore it should be known that delegation of tasks is not the only expectations for an NCO. One the other hand, that it must also be reciprocated with active listening. (2-2).
4. It shows that creating a dialogue aids in effective team building and flow.

Paragraph 3: Provide Clear Commander’s Intent
1. In addition to the group fostering its relationship, the next step is the commander’s intent, which the ADRP states, “is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state (2-3).”
2. Due to the “broader purpose of the operation” being revealed, the understanding and expectation becomes clear of what is expected during the mission, and what’s the desired outcome of the mission.
3. It’s similar to a mission statement, one that states what you are, what you can do for yourself and others, and what the finished product should look like.
4. Commander’s Intent, be it that it is relatively easy to recall, it helps to keep the focus and morale of the group in tune for what the original mission is and the know capabilities of the soldiers on board.

Paragraph 4: Exercised Disciplined Initiative

1. As an NCO it is imperative as a leader to perform discipline and corrective action. I reference to that, and an NCO must understand and allow their soldier to understand that a corrective action is utilized to aid the soldier, not merely punish.
2. This task however is handed over to the NCO in the trust of the commander.
3. The expectation is that good judgment and just action be taken with soldier.
4. There are also times where, “Commanders and subordinates are obligated to follow lawful orders. Commanders deviate from orders only when they are unlawful, risk the lives of Soldiers, or when orders no longer fit the situation (2-4).”

Paragraph 5: Use Mission Orders
1. Simply put, this facet is defined as using “mission orders to assign tasks, allocate resources, and issue broad guidance (2-4).”
2. As a leader, it’s important to delegate tasks as well as be able to take orders as well. All the same, supervision is broken down into two divisions, direct and indirect.
3. Direct is where interaction is hands on, constant, close in proximity. The other is indirect, where interaction is limited and distanced. The NCOIC and NCO usually commands a direct fashion, whereas the commander instills indirect. This is due to levels of trust, expectation and availability.
Paragraph 6: Accept Prudent Risks
1. The explanation for prudent risk is “s a deliberate exposure to potential injury or loss when the commander judges the outcome in terms of mission accomplishment as worth the cost” (ADP 6-0).
2. Planning is the most critical piece to success prior to the start of a mission.
3. Understand the risks involved, but also being prepared as much as possible for the risks and are considered unexpected.
4. Not everything goes as planned, therefore its important to be flexible, trained and prepared even for circumstances unseen.
5. A successful NCO rightfully has prepared themselves for the worst in with the expectation of the best.


1. The Mission Control philosophy is a cascade or tiered system of success. With each facet of the overall philosophy, a team or a group enables him or her a successful campaign.
2. One of the most important ideals is communication. It accounts for the fluidity in all the tenets. Top to bottom communication and vice versa. Success is success when everyone and everything is heard.
3. It’s cliché to say that no one is bigger than the team, but ‘you’re only as strong as your weakest link’. Therefore, when you include the importance of communication and empowering soldiers, it becomes a tangible idea.

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