1. Hartz Seed Co. is a supplier of soy beans. Coleman contracted with Hartz for the delivery of one ton of soy beans, for delivery at Coleman’s plant. After delivery, Coleman began inspecting the soy beans for quality. There is a specific inspection testing protocol/procedure involved, and usually takes several weeks to complete because it involves growing some of the seeds. After one month, Coleman noticed several defects in the seedlings that were growing. Coleman immediately notified Hartz of the defects, and rejected the entire lot. 250 WORDS
Hartz comes to you for advice concerning a possible action for breach against Colman. Specifically, Hartz asks whether Coleman has:
1) Accepted the goods, or
2) Properly rejected the seeds. How do you advise Hartz? Use UCC provisions to support your answer/analysis.

2. If the goods or tender of delivery fail to conform to the contract, the buyer can reject the goods if the non-conformity rises to the level of substantial impairment of value. Give two specific examples of situations which would meet these criteria. 250 WORDS

3. Your Summative Essay will Analyze and Write a word essay – Evaluate the covered course material as it relates to your professional career and/or personal development. You are encouraged to consider real life situations where you have used or should have used provisions of the UCC to enhance your bargaining position.

Two (2) typewritten pages Double Spaced .

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