Children often experience fear and uncertainly related to military life. It can range from any of the following: Where am I going to live? Will I make new friends at my new school? Will I like the new school? Will my parent be okay when deployed? What happens if he or she comes home disabled? Or is killed? How do I deal with not having control over anything?
For this Assignment, think about how you might answer some of the aforementioned typical fears from a child or adolescent. This Assignment is an opportunity to be creative, which can be an essential tactic when working with children and adolescents. If you were providing psycho-educational information to children or adolescents about coping with fear and uncertainty, what might be an effective method?
Use one of the following suggested methods or one of your own to promote coping strategies related to fear and uncertainty:

A PowerPoint presentation

Include the following in your method:

An explanation of how you would normalize fear and uncertainty as it relates to military experience
Ways to express feeling
How and why to reach out for help
How to cope with fear and uncertainty

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