Assignment: Community Health Center Inc.
What is the life cycle management for the case management service within
the Community Health Center Inc.
In Milestone Three, you will submit your discussion of the life cycle
management (Section III) of your business product, service, or other idea
from your business plan in the Marketing and Strategy course. Prompt: In
this milestone, consider the sustainability of your idea in the marketplace
from initial inventory to subsequent sustainment in the supply chain.
Specifically, examine the company’s own inventory as a starting point—that
inventory came from a supplier—which is where your supply chain starts.
Additionally, your finished product will travel downstream along the supply
chain by means of shippers, distribution centers and then finally, to a retailer.
These components should be outlined in this paper. Identify and describe the
technologies you intend to use along the company’s supply chain such as
RFID tagging and bar coding, e-procurement, and 3PL. Identify and justify
your clicks or bricks decision, that is, your rationale for brick-and-mortar
locations or internet services or a combination of both. The paper should
identify the key data needed to support the functions of inventory
management and supply chain management. You should describe the life
cycle of the business idea. Focus your response on the future of the business
idea, specifically on its growth and eventual decline. Assess the profit
generation and cost-saving opportunities associated with the business idea
based on the life cycle you described. Your assessment should be supported
with rationale. Determine a phase-out plan for your business idea that
ensures a sustainable solution that makes way for future innovation and
profit streams. Ensure that you justify the steps in your plan. Specifically, the
following critical elements must be addressed: III. Life Cycle: In this section,
you will discuss the life cycle of your business product, service, or other idea
from your business plan in the Marketing and Strategy course. Specifically,
you should: a) Describe the life cycle of the business idea. Focus your
response on the future of the business idea, specifically on its growth and
eventual decline. b) Assess the profit generation and cost-saving
opportunities associated with the business idea based on the life cycle you
described. Your assessment should be supported with rationale. c) Determine
a phase-out plan for your business idea that ensures a sustainable solution
that makes way for future innovation and profit streams. Ensure that you
justify the steps in your plan. is also helpful website to learn more about the Community
Health Center Inc.
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