Week 3 Assignment
Kirkpatrick’s Taxonomy
The Kirkpatrick Taxonomy Model is also a beneficial tool used in the evaluation process. There are four (4) levels to the evaluation model. Level 1 measures reaction and the degree to which participants react. Level 2 measures learning and the degree to which participants acquire knowledge, skills, attitude, and confidence. Level 3 measures behavior and the degree to which a participant will apply what they have learned. Level 4 measures the degree to which the targeted outcomes occur as a result of reinforcement (Moseley & Dessigner, 2009). This method typically measures training and is important as it looks directly at the employees and their ability to take from the training to apply to the workplace. Understanding the ability of your employees will provide you a deeper understanding of the success of your organization. The evaluation method that will be used will vary from organization to organization, as well as project to project. As a manager, understanding the various methods of evaluation will provide you with the ability to stay ahead of the competition. The understanding of these concepts will also help you to develop a stronger bond among your employees to ensure continued organizational success. Resources: Mosele, J. & Dessinger, J. (2009). Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace. (Volume 3). Pfeiffer-Wiley

To prepare for this Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion, pay particular attention to the following Learning Resources:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:

· Read Week 3 Lecture – See Word doc .

· Read Chapter 6-10 – See Word doc


Using your learning from this week, choose two companies that you feel could use Kirkpatrick’s Taxonomy. In your paper,

· Justify why you feel Kirkpatrick’s Taxonomy would be essential for each organization.

· In addition, support the need for aligning evaluations with the values and the strategies of these organizations.

· Your work should also design a plan for implementing Kirkpatrick’s Taxonomy into each organization.

· 3-4 pages

· Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

· No plagiarism

· Ace homework tutors – APA citing


Kirkpatrick’s Taxonomy Week 3 Assignment

The Kirkpatrick Taxonomy Model is another useful tool in the evaluation process. The evaluation methodology has four (4) levels. Level 1 assesses individuals’ reactions and the extent to which they react. Level 2 assesses participants’ learning and the extent to which they acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes, and confidence. Level 3 assesses behavior and the extent to which a person will put what they have learned into practice. Level 4 assesses the extent to which the desired outcomes are achieved as a result of reinforcement (Moseley & Dessigner, 2009). This method is commonly used to assess training and is essential since it looks directly at the employees and their ability to apply what they have learned in the classroom to the workplace. Recognizing your employees’ abilities

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Research Helper
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