MMH356 – Change Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
Trimester 1, 2020
Assignment 2: Group Report
DUE DATE AND TIME: Friday 15 May 2020, 11:59 pm
PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 40 marks; 40% of final grade
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO 1: Demonstrate a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of theoretical frameworks, key concepts and contemporary human resource and management issues associated with organisational change GLO1: Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities
ULO 2: Use digital technologies to locate and access information relevant to change in a real-life organisation, and to then effectively communicate that account using a specified academic referencing style and specified professional report format GLO 3: Digital literacy
ULO 3: Critically describe, analyse and evaluate practical change- related behaviours, processes and outcomes by referring to organisational change theories and concepts GLO 4: Critical thinking
ULO 4: Selectively apply evidence-based theories and concepts to change opportunities and instances within real organisational contexts in order to improve the likelihood of more effective human resource and/or more efficient management outcomes GLO 5: Problem solving
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and formative feedback on CloudDeakin before 29 May 2020, 11:59 pm. Students who submit the Report after the due date may not receive their results until after those released for on-time submissions.
Once you have worked out your team members, please enrol into a group, using the Groups function under Tools. Students are required to self-select teams of three to work in. When choosing a team consider whether you have diversity in your team as this will add to the depth and richness of your discussions and increase your learning about innovation.
Sometimes, when doing group assignments, you may run into problems with group members. These problems may result from different levels of experiences, expectations and attitudes to work, or other commitments that group members have, etc. The Unit Team expects that all group members will contribute equally to all assignments; in your third year of study there should be no social loafing. If group members run into problems or believe that a group member is underperforming, not responding to messages, or has not made an equal contribution we suggest that you contact the Unit Chair to deal with the situation as soon as possible (which doesn’t mean the day before the due deadline!!) to enable appropriate steps to be taken and ensure the problem does not continue to carry on. Some remedies include the Unit Chair contacting and counselling the underperforming group member (first and preferred approach), and/or potentially applying a reduction in marks to the group member based on their reduced contribution (via a combined group member’s peer review/unit chair moderation). It may be useful for your group to prepare and agree to a team charter to address issues/contingencies as they arise.
Description / Requirements: Task
This is a group report (group of 3) and should be based on one of the following organisations:
1. W.A. Communications
2. Express Link
Provide an overview of the whole report for time poor executives in your selected organisation.
OVERVIEW (4 marks):
In this section provide an overview of the organisation’s profile, the driving and restraining internal/external forces, and the problems (symptoms and causes).
BODY (25 marks):
1. Diagnosis: now that you have viewed the videos and selected your organisation, use the Burke & Litwin diagnostic model to discuss the people issues associated with the problems you have identified. Ensure you integrate supporting change management concepts to strengthen your analysis (10 marks).
2. Intervention: Select change interventions from Typology 1 (who does what, p 319) and Typology 2 (focus on issues, p 335) which you as the external change agent, believe should be applied to achieve the organisation’s preferred state (10 marks). For your chosen interventions you must:
a. Provide a clear and concise name for the intervention;
b. Write a page paper – Describe the significant features of the intervention you have chosen.
c. Discuss how you would apply it.
Ensure you integrate supporting change management concepts to strengthen your analysis.
3. Implementation: Prepare a detailed Gantt chart that identifies the change intervention required, the people responsible for the implementation of the change intervention, and the timelines specified to deliver the change (5 marks).
4. Recommendations: provide a succinct list of no more than 3-4 recommendations for the CEO of your chosen organisation. The purpose of these recommendations is to enable the organisation to solve the problems that have been identified. It is a summation of what needs to happen next.
This section will assess the structure of your report (appropriate page and section layout and use of headings to promote flow), citation format and usage within the discussion, and the accuracy of the reference list. For referencing, use a minimum of four (4) academic sources AND four (4) non-academic sources relevant to your Report. Use the Harvard Deakin Guide to Referencing.
Description / Requirements: Presentation
Please include the following sections in your Report (asterisked notes are explained below table):
Title Page new page,
Roman numeral page number i, but page number invisible; not included total word count
Table of Contents new page,
Roman numeral page number ii, not included total word count
List of Illustrations new page,
only include list of any diagrams, figures or illustrations Roman numeral page numbering not included total word count
Summary* new page
Roman numeral page numbering approx. 400 words
NOT included total word count
Overview* new page,
Arabic numeral page number 1; approx. 500 words, included in word count
‘Body’ new page,
Diagnosis: approx. 1200 words;
Interventions: approx. 1200 words;
Planning/Implementation: approx. 750 words; Arabic numeral page numbering
total approx. 3,150 words, included in word count
Recommendations* new page,
Arabic numeral page numbering approx. 350 words, included in word count
References new page, all sources in the one section, according to Harvard Deakin Guide to Referencing, Arabic numeral page numbering
Asterisked notes:
* Refer Generic Report Writing Guide on CloudDeakin for detailed advice about: (i) what types of information to include in which report sections; (ii) how to number the sections;
(iii) how to apply Roman and Arabic pagination for the different sections; and (iv) how to write and present your recommendations.
Submission of a formal report which is presented and formatted at a professional standard is an important and assessed Learning Outcome for this assignment, and also a valuable employment skill. Please apply the following:
• Font: Size 12 Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial
• Line spacing: 1.5, no indentation, but one extra line spacing between paragraphs
• Margins: 2.54 cm
• Headings and sub-headings
• Section numbering: Alphanumeric or decimal outline of up to three levels
• Pagination: Roman page numbering and Arabic page numbering used as requested above
• Header and/or footer: student name, ID number, unit code and assessment task name • Total word count: provided on Title page
Sample Reports will be provided on CloudDeakin. These reports were submitted by past MMH356 students in previous trimesters in response to different specific tasks and questions. It is not essential for you to copy the exact formatting of either sample report, but they are useful guides for to how to structure, format and present a formal report at a professionally acceptable standard
1. Save your assignment as a Word file (.doc or .docx) with a file name which includes your ID number, unit code plus the name of the assessment task. e.g. StudentID_MMH356_Report
2. Click on the Assignment Submission Dropbox within MMH356 on CloudDeakin to declare that the Report is totally your own work written in this Trimester for this unit and submit your assignment.
3. Check carefully to confirm that your report was submitted and received correctly.
Submission Conditions
• Assignments are on time if they are submitted via CloudDeakin before the due date/time.
• You may resubmit your assignment, at any time up until the due date/time.
• Do not, under any circumstance, email your assignment to the Unit Chair or Cloud Coordinator. It will not be assessed.
• Requests for Special Consideration, extensions or variation to the assignment task will be considered only if caused by some unexpected, unpredictable and unavoidable event AND supported by documentation. Requests and documentation must be emailed to the Unit Chair before the assignment due date.
• Late submissions without extensions will be accepted up until five days after the due date/time, with 5% of available marks deducted per day (or part thereof) late. The late penalty in MMH356 is calculated as follows (based on a Sunday deadline – please adjust if submission date is on another day):
• 1 day late: submitted one hour late after 11.59pm on Sunday due date but before Monday 11.59pm – 5% penalty.
• 2 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Tuesday 11.59pm – 10% penalty.
• 3 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Wednesday 11.59pm – 15% penalty.
• 4 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Thursday
11.59pm – 20% penalty.
• 5 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Friday 11.59pm – 25% penalty.
• Plagiarism declaration: By clicking on the SUBMIT button to submit your assignment, you are declaring that the work is entirely your own, except where material quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in the text by use of quotation marks and citations where appropriate. You are also declaring that it has not been submitted for assessment by any other student or by you in any other unit or course.
Assignment Results
Your report results, rubric scores and feedback will normally become available in the Assignment Folder in CloudDeakin within 15 business days of the due date. If you have been granted an extension for the assignment, your score and feedback may be released later than for on-time submissions. Before results are returned to students, the unit team will moderate the marking process to ensure that the same marking standards are applied to all students within the unit and to check all assignments for plagiarism using Turnitin software. Marking penalties will be applied to reports which contain evidence of plagiarism, collusion or other forms of cheating.
If any student believes an error has been made in the marking of their assignment and wishes to request a review, they must:
(1) email the Unit Chair (, from their Deakin email account, within 5 working days of the CloudDeakin release of marks, and
(i) attach e-copies of their assignment and their completed Grade Form Rubric;
(ii) identify the specific rubric criterion involved;
(iii) explain why their work should have received a higher score for that criterion; and
(iv) support their claim by referring to specific evidence from their assignment. Receiving a disappointing result is not a justification for review.
In the rare case of a report being granted a review, the reviewed score will be final. That score may increase, decrease or remain unchanged from the original.
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