Electronic Commerce Systems (ISY10058)
Assignment 2
Title Development of Prototype of B2C E-commerce Website
Weight 30% of overall unit assessment
Due time 11pm, Friday (11/09/2020), Week 10 for Assignment2-1
11pm, Friday (25/09/2020), Week 12 for Assignment2-2
Length Maximum 1500 words for Assignment2-1
1. Task description
Assignment 2 is group work. The group size is 2 members. The Appendix is a guideline for undertaking the group work.
Your group will develop a prototype (front end) of a B2C e-commerce website for Hal’s Hardware based on the case study in the workshop guide:
ISY10058_WS_Topic01 Introduction to E-commerce Systems.docx.
This assignment includes 2 parts:
• Assignment2-1 is a document of system analysis and page design.
• Assignment2-2 is a prototype of the website according to Asignment2-1, which may not fully operate.
2. Objectives
• You should outline the business background and its customers/visitors, based on which you should state the aim of developing the website.
• You should do o SWOT analysis for business analysis o Audience/users analysis for website usability
o Other analysis, such as risk analysis for security requirements, scope analysis for further/later development, etc.
• You should determine the objectives to develop the website according to the above analyses. The objectives should include o Online marketing – You should determine and discuss a marketing strategy in the context of the website.
o Online sale/purchase – You should categorize the products. Visitors can complete purchase from viewing a catalogue through to receiving order confirmation.
o Customer centric design – You should analyse the targeted visitors, and develop solutions for usability, accessibility, interactivity, personalization, etc.
o Trust creation and maintenance – You should outline and explain types of trust that are relevant to the website.
o Other objectives, such as implementation of security, recruitment, special e-commerce environment, new e-payment system, etc.
• You should develop your solutions (functions, features and/or components of the site) for the above objectives. You should also recall effectiveness factors in Assignment 1. For example, catalogue, shopping cart and transaction processing are the basic functions for online sale. Business information, customer support/help, security statement, privacy policy, virtual community, etc. are examples for one or more objectives. Relating current technologies, such as Web 2.0, mobile technology and artificial Intelligence, will be a bonus. You should try to avoid functions, components or features that annoy the visitors.
• You should use a concept map to summarise the relationship among the above aim, objectives and solutions.
• You should design the web pages according to the above analysis, where o You should use a diagram for organisation of files in appropriate folders, o You should use a navigation map for hyperlink structure design, and o You should use storyboards for web page design.
You should organise contents logically in a report style document.
With the progress of your study since the initial submission of Assignment2-1, you can revise or update the document, and re-submit an updated Assignment2-1 together with Assignment2-2. In the updated version, changes must be recorded by means of the Review – Track Changes of MS Word. Significant changes to the original analysis/design indicate a poor original work, and therefore you cannot get additional marks from the revision work.
An analysis/design document is not a traditional report. In Assignment2-1, abstract, conclusions and recommendations may not be necessary. Assignment2-2
You are required to build a prototype according to Assignment2-1 in HTML by using Microsoft Expression Web 4 or any other authoring tool.
• Your website should completely and accurately implement the analysis/design in Assignment2-1.
• Your website should be user-friendly according to customer centered design.
• Hyperlinks in your website should be intuitive and functional. While programs for the back-end processing are not required, the site should explain the back-end processes, where appropriate. For example, you designed to include a search function, which allows a visitor to enter keywords and click a button or use the Enter key to activate a search. Although the search function may not actually operate, the site should respond with a dummy search result, or provide an explanation about what happens next.
3. Marking criteria
Category Specific criteria
Understanding of issues Concise and relevant description of the business and customers (5)
Appropriate marketing strategy (5) 15
Logical analysis of technical and social issues
(customer centric design, trust, etc.) (5)
Complete and logical e-commerce solutions
Requirement analysis 10
Appropriate/relevant SWOT analysis and audience analysis (5)
Use of analysis/design Accurate and complete concept map (5)
Accurate and complete story boards (10)
Complete and accurate implementation of design (20)
Effective components (Quality and number of elements for e-commerce) (15)
Website 45
Friendly and workable website (5)
Appealing presentation (widely accepted layout and components) (5)
Authoring skill Capable in using authoring tool (5) 5
Total mark 100
4. Assignment Submission
• Assignment2-1 must be word-processed using MS-Word.
• Assignment2-1 must contain an assignment cover sheet.
• Filename = LastNamesOfGroupMembers_ISY10058_Ass2-1.docx
e.g. SmithWang_ISY10058_Ass2-1.docx.
One (and only one) member should submit Assignment2-1 in the Turnitin assignment box for your location of study at the Blackboard of this unit.
For Assignment2-2, you should classify the files (including revised version of Assignment2-1 and the logbooks), organize them in different folders according to the classification, and include them in a zip file. The file name should be
LastNamesOfGroupMembers_ISY10058_Ass2-2.zip, e.g. SmithWang_ISY10058_Ass2-
1.zip. You should delete all the files that are not used for your website. One (and only one) member should submit the single zip file by email to your lecturer/tutor/maker.
Appendix Egoless Programming
Egoless programming is a style of computer programming by group work for quality outcome (code).
• Externally, the outcome is the property of the group regardless individual member’s contributions.
• Internally, members contribute to the outcome by collaboration, including o Planning tasks o Exchanging ideas o Peer reviewing other’s work
Egoless Programming is applied to your group work, although the outcome is not limited to code.
You will form your group before Friday of Week Monday of Week 8, the earlier the better at the Discussion Board. When your group is formed, you should plan tasks in the provided spreadsheets. In your planning you should consider each member’s strengths/weaknesses in terms of expertise and skills, and already scheduled other assignments and commitments as well.
The spreadsheets are also used for recording each member’s individual work, collaboration and contribution. Each member should enter the information in his/her own spreadsheet while doing the assignments.
The spreadsheets will be included in Assignment2-2 for the marker’s reference. Students who provide poorly maintained spreadsheets may be interviewed for determination of their marks.
You may use Google Doc and/or other collaborate tools
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