Assignment 1
Sociological Perspectives
Spring 2020
Rik Scarce, Instructor
Apply a combination of the sociological imagination and Weberian “formal rationality” to some
aspect(s) of your life. As you develop your essay, draw from the Mills and Ritzer readings, and
others as well if they are relevant, along with class discussions. Use sociological terminology to
aid in your interpretation of the sociological imagination’s place in your world.
One of the foremost challenges of take-home papers is the identification and focusing of your
ideas. You may approach your paper in a narrow way, emphasizing one small aspect of your life
and exploring it in substantial depth, or you may make it a sweeping look at your life generally.
Regardless, your paper should be rich with sociologically-informed observations.
I will evaluate your paper based in part on the quality of your thesis, the quality of the
sociological insight you bring to your topic (do you take a sociological perspective in your
paper?), and your use of sociological concepts. Feel free to pose questions or hypotheses that you
do not have the sociological knowledge to address as well—sociologically-informed questions
and assertions are a way for me to evaluate how well you understand the materials we have read
and sociology’s worldview as well.
A substantial portion of your grade will also be based on the quality of your writing; exactly how
much will depend on the quality of your writing. As you know, the fourth credit hour you are
taking in this course is devoted to the amount you write and improving your writing. I expect you
to review “Writing Tips,” which is available on theSpring, and avoid the errors discussed there
and those pointed out in class.
Regarding your thesis, say something in your essay! Make an observation about your life. Do not
simply wander through this assignment: take a stand through the development of your thesis. As
you work on your paper, be sure to review the “Written Assignments” section of your syllabus.
It provides an overview of what you need to attend to do well on this assignment. Along with
devising a solid thesis, you should quote from the readings and interpret those quotations.
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include citations and references for all of the materials you use in your essay—see “Writing
Tips” for citing and referencing formatting.
I view assignments as an extension of the teaching and learning that takes place in our
classroom. As such, I strongly encourage you to be in touch with me regarding your ideas for
this assignment. Sharing them with me ahead of time provides me with an opportunity to set you
on the right track if I have concerns about your approach, it should reassure you that you’re not
alone in developing your assignment, and it gives us a chance to explore aspects of the material
in more depth than we did in class. I prefer to hold these discussions via Zoom, but I am happy
to answer your questions by e-mail.
It is vital that you explore “Writing Tips” before you hand-in your paper. I need help writing my essay – research paper take your
writing very seriously. Your paper must run between 1,250 and 1,500 words, excluding
references (and, if necessary, citations). Remember to type the word count at the top of your
Papers must be submitted by e-mail in the body of the e-mail. Follow these instructions:
1. The subject line for the e-mail including your paper should be “Sociology 101 paper.”
2. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include only your paper in the body of the e-mail. If you want to contact me about your paper,
do so in a separate message. Do not attach a Word or Pages document to your e-mail.
3. After you have pasted it into an e-mail, review your paper to make sure formatting—
particularly italicizes—show up in your paper. If they do not, either add them or use symbols to
note italics: /italics/ or _italics_.
Papers are due to me at my office no later than Tuesday, September 15, at 2:30. As noted in
your syllabus, I will severely penalize late papers.
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