This assignment will assess Competency 3: Analyze various bases of compensation systems.

Directions: Imagine you are an HR Assistant who has been asked to evaluate performance evaluation forms for possible adoption by your company. Obtain a copy of a blank performance evaluation form, either from your employer or online. (You can find a number of downloadable forms for free by doing a Google search for “Performance Evaluation Forms.”)

Thanks to your education in employee compensation management, you know that subjective performance evaluations are subject to rater error, which makes objective measures a better alternative. Analyze the form you downloaded to determine if the evaluation criteria are subjective or objective, and why. Do you think this form would be an effective tool for evaluating employee performance? Why or why not? How would you improve it?

Present your analysis in a report for your HR Supervisor that outlines the strengths and weaknesses of this form. Your report should:

Begin with a brief introductory paragraph that explains where you obtained the form, what its purpose is, and any other information your a supervisor should know about it.
Bullet-point the strengths, weaknesses, and issues with this form, giving a brief (3 – 5 sentence) explanation for each. To conclude, make a recommendation about whether or not your organization should adopt this form. Explain why or why not. Justify your position with facts, not just opinion! Your report will be 3-4 pages
in length. You should have a minimum of three academic/professional sources (your textbook may be used as a 4th source, but not a primary source). Since this is a report and not a research paper, you are not required to write your paper in Ace homework tutors – APA format. However, your sources should be cited in Ace homework tutors – APA format.

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