IMPORTANT: Read the three essays given below and then write a summary on ONE of the essays. The essay you choose will be the essay you will be responding to in your ESSAY 2. The summary you write will become part of the introduction to Essay 2. So, Choose the essay  and write the summary carefully. Remember you are already preparing for your second essay.

Review FItoAW Chapters 3 and 8: From Homework help – Summary to Synthesis and Hacker, A1 Writing about texts. 
Review the example summary given in “Writing a Textual Homework help – Summary”) in the module week Two.

  3. Read  From Inquiry to Academic Writing :

-Chapter 14 Education: Read the three FItoAW essays and choose one to write the summary:

Mark Emundson, Who Are You and What Are You Doing?
Susan Dynarski, Why American Schools Are Even More Unequal Than We Thought          2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online/08/14/upshot/why-american-schools-are-even-more-unequal-than-we-thought.html (Links to an external site.)
Nikole Hannah-Jones, School Segregation, the Continuing Tragedy Of Ferguson

3. Review The Basics of Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA Style p.431-516 from Rules for Ace my homework – Writers.

4. Review Reading Critically for Academic Success.

5. After you complete all the readings, (an example summary is included in the document “Writing a Textual Homework help – Summary”) you will write a one-paragraph  (200 words) summary of ONE of the assigned essays. Do not forget to label the sentences: TS, MP#1, ELab 1, MP # 2, Elab 2, MP#3, ELab 3, CS  etc. Points will be deducted for not labeling. Ace my homework – Write the Word Count at the end of the summary.

Remember, you are summarizing, NOT evaluating the writer’s argument. You will offer an analysis and use this summary in your second essay in week 3.

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