Assessment 2
Service instances-details (1500 words)
You will be observed monitoring individual or team performance demonstrating at least 4 of the following leadership and management roles: (select 4)
o Decision making
o Delegation of tasks
o Information provision
o Provision of feedback
o Motivation through recognition and rewards
o Planning and organising
The selected roles maybe observed individually on several occasions or during e.g. preparation and service for a function , organising or holding an event or similar where a complete operational cycle can be observed.
Instance Date Duration from…to… Leadership role observed
Instance 1:
Instance 2:
Instance 3:
Instance 4:
Part A – Planning monitoring
1. Once you have selected the activities with your trainer, you will need to develop a plan for the situation(s) where you undertake monitoring including;
a. An overview of the activities typically undertaken by the team in the workplace or simulated training environment
b. a description of the team
c. the job roles and duties undertaken by each team member
d. how the task to be completed during the instance(s) will be planned, organised and allocated and communicated to each team member or the team as a group
e. provisions for decision making and delegation of tasks
f. the documentation that you will use to assist you to inform staff (e.g. booking information, menus, schedules etc.)
g. the provisions for monitoring
h. the provisions for de briefing staff at the end of the service instance(s)
Part A – Planning monitorning S NSY COMMENTS
Provides an overview of the activities undertaken in the workplace/department
Provides an overview of the team characteristics
The individual job roles for each team member are provided
The task typically performed in each job role are provided
A description of how tasks are planned for the monitoring instanced is provided
A description of how tasks are planned for the organised instanced is provided
A description of how task are allocated and communicated to staff for the monitoring instance is provided
The planned task allocation is suitable to the individual job roles and typically performed
The provisions for decision making processes are explained
The provisions for and principles of delegation processes are outlined
The documentation which will be used for briefing, information of staff to plan and undertake the service instance is explained
The key steps for monitoring are outlined relevant for the type of tasks performed by the team and monitoring instance.
The de-brief provisions details are outlined
List additional criteria as relevant
Part B – Observation
You will demonstrate your ability to carry out each of the 4 activities planned for in Part A. Using your knowledge of leadership and management techniques, you will need to:
1.Plan and organise the activity (e.g a meeting to provide workplace information)
2. Use appropriate decision making techniques
3. Delegate suitable tasks using the correct techniques
4. collect and provide relevant feedback from and to staff
5. Use suitable motivation techniques
Criteria 1.instance 2.instance 3.instance 4. instance
Planning and Organising
Establishes rapport with the team
Communicates the requirements for the service instance
The individual roles and task are explained
The individual roles and task re allocated
Acts pro-actively during service periods and attends to problem as this arise
The operation remains effective during the instance observed
Disruption to service or production is minimal
The instanced is manage without impacts on customers service or schedules
Interacts with team members in a positive manner
Encourage and promotes open communication
Conducts in a professional manner reflective of a supervisor in a leading role
Decision Making
Involves the team in decision making processes relevant to task and procedures:
Decisions are made collectively and agreed on Valid concerns and considered and evaluated
Delegation of Tasks
Tasks for delegation are discussed:
The individual capacity is considered for delegation of tasks
The potential barriers which may affect delegation or associated tasks are identified
Tasks are explained clearly
Delegation is implemented and followed up
Shortfalls or problems are idendified
The reasons for performance issues are identified
Pro-active steps are taken to ensure the outcomes are achieved;
Mentoring and coaching is used to help staff to achieve tasks where possible
List additional criteria as relevant
Provisions of Feedback
Provides feedback and encouragement to staff where difficult or new tasks are undertaken
Provides fee back on individual performance
Provides fee back on team performance
Feedback to staff is provided in constructive manner
Student seeks feedback from individuals in the workplace
Student seeks feedback from the team
The feedback received is used to suggest changes for the operation
Where feasible, suggested changes from feedback are implemented into processes
Suggestions and improvements from the team are acknowledged as” coming from the team”
Motivation through recognition and rewards
Motivates team members to achieve tasks through supportive actions and constructive feedback
Recognises and use praise for achievement of individuals and the team overall
Uses reward where applicable within realistic means and constraints
List additional criteria as relevant
Feedback and comments
Part C – post monitoring/observation. Evaluating the monitoring processes
a.Provide an overview of the efficiency and/or deficiency of the workplace practices:
1.What worked well?
2. What did not work well and why?
b. How effective was the communication:
1. Between you and individual team members
2. Between you and team
3. Amongst the team
c. How effective was the allocation and delegation of tasks to individual and the team overall? What were the shortfalls or weaknesses you have identified, and which actions will you take to overcome these?
d. What feedback have you provided? To whom?
E. What feedback have you received from individuals, and the team overall?
F. How have you used feedback received and in which instances? How will you use feedback received for future services as part of continuous improvement?
Part C-Post monitoring/observation S NYS Comments
The efficiencies in the workplace during monitoring have been identified and discussed
The efficiencies in the workplace during monitoring have been identified and discussed
The effectiveness of communication between has been identified and evaluated:
1. Student and individual team members
2. Student and team
3. Amongst the team
The effectiveness of allocation of tasks has been evaluated
Suggested provisions to overcome identified shortfalls are realistic and can be applied
The effectiveness of delegation of has been evaluated
Suggested provisions to overcome identified shortfalls from delegation are realistic and can be applied
Provides an overview of feedback provided to individuals during the monitoring instances
Provides an overview of feedback received from individuals during the monitoring instances
Provides an overview how feedback received was applied and used in service instances where applicable
Provides suggestions for use of received feedback for future service instances
The suggestions for use/ application of feedback and future services instance
List additional criteria as relevant