Assessment: 1 – Develop an Integrated Plan and Consult with Internal Stakeholders (Project)
Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to meet with stakeholders and determine marketing communication requirements to meet specific stakeholder needs.
Assessment description
In response to the scenario provided, you will conduct a marketing audit and develop an integrated marketing communication plan, in the form of a written report, using this plan as the basis of a written brief. You will then role-play a meeting with a client to present the brief and determine specifications for a campaign.
1. Read the following scenario.
You are a marketing professional in a marketing department (within an organization as agreed with your assessor). You have been asked by your manager to conduct a situation analysis of the organization’s marketing activities and document a draft integrated marketing plan (in the form of a written report) to be circulated among the senior management team.
On the basis of this draft plan, you are to develop a marketing brief, for the purpose of providing an external agency with the information it needs to develop creative and plan a campaign that is consistent with the marketing objectives contained within your plan.
2. Meet with your assessor to agree on a suitable agency or organisation to use as the basis of this task and to agree on timeframes for completion of this assessment task.
3. Conduct research, using a range of online and print sources, and develop an integrated marketing and communication plan consistent with the organisation’s overall business goals, product and service history, and marketing mix.
Your report needs to outline the following information.
a. Purpose statement: Outline the purpose of the plan and list 2–3 measurable marketing communications objectives.
b. A SWOT analysis: Include an outline of economic, social and industry trends relevant to choice of appropriate media options; be sure to use and refer to numeric information to analyse the impact of trends.
c. Definition of the target audience: Explain principles of consumer behaviour and influences on buyer behaviour.
d. Analysis of the product or service: Write a page paper – Describe this in a way that supports the selection of media vehicles.
e. Media vehicles and rationales: Include a selection. Summarise the range of marketing communication options for different markets; describe and contrast a range of media vehicles for marketing communication options, including primary and secondary media, and a discussion on media styles.
f. Legal and ethical constraints: Summarise key provisions of relevant legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting marketing operations.
Note: Ensure you record at least three sources of information, which may be organisational documents and policies, or external online or print information.
4. On the basis of your draft marketing plan, complete a marketing brief to be presented for discussion to the senior marketing management team. Use the template provided in Appendix 1, or a suitable alternative for the organisation you are using as the basis of this task.
Note: The purpose of the brief is to provide an agency with the information they will need to develop creative and implement an effective campaign that is consistent with your organisation’s marketing plan and other operational and strategic needs.
Be sure to include a budget figure consistent with the organisation’s marketing budget and provide rough timings for the campaign.
5. Arrange with your assessor a time and place to role-play a meeting with the senior management team to present your brief for feedback. The purpose of the meeting will be to establish specifications of a campaign.
The agenda should include:
a. confirm campaign purpose and objectives
b. discuss nature of campaign
c. discuss outcomes of previous campaigns
d. confirm budget allocation.
6. Conduct the meeting. Ensure you use oral communication skills to:
a. actively participate in discussion, use listening skills and explain ideas
b. use appropriate language for your audience
c. use effective body language.
7. On the basis of feedback from the meeting, amend your draft marketing communication plan and marketing brief.
8. Submit your draft and final marketing plans and marketing briefs in accordance within the agreed timeframe and in accordance with the specifications outlined below.
You must:
? participate in management meeting role-play
? submit draft and final marketing plans (written reports) ? submit draft and final briefs (template in Appendix 1).
Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of the following foundation skills:
? reading skills to access information from a range of sources relevant to marketing activities ? writing skills to:
? use clear, specific and professional language for business report writing
? use appropriate report and brief formats to present ideas and recommendations to management
? numeracy skills to bring together and explain numeric information on market trends, set measurable objectives, budgets and timeframes
? oral communication skills to:
? actively participate in discussion, use listening skills and explain ideas
? use appropriate language and body language
? workplace navigation skills to consider legal and ethical implications of a campaign ? marketing planning skills to:
? summarise implementation of tasks to achieve outcomes, with an awareness of organisational requirements, time and budgetary restraints
? evaluate and select media options for the brief
? evaluate feedback and make improvements to planning and brief
? develop new and innovative marketing ideas through research, exploration, analysis and critical thinking.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
? No adjustments are required to procedure.
? Documents may be submitted electronically.
? The meeting may be conducted via teleconferencing tools.
? A follow-up meeting may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
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