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You will be responsible for submitting a two page paper via Blackboard every odd week using a newspaper article on a topic relating to the week’s lecture. These newspaper articles will help you understand the growing issues many Asian Americans face each day, and more importantly, what is being done to address these issues. Please refrain from using vulgar words or discriminating/profiling individuals/groups based on race, sex, ethnic origin, nationality, and sexual orientation. You are all adults, and I expect you to submit quality work. Your papers must be typed, using no liarger than a twelve-point Times New Roman font. You should use MLA formatting for notes and references, hence please provide proper citation and “give credit when credit is due.” Ensure your papers are double spaced, one-inch margins on all sides, and stapled. The assignments are due at the start of class on the day it is due. Late papers will NOT be accepted. Please plan accordingly.  Here is the topic about.ASIAN AMERICANS AND THE GLBTQ COMMUNITY 1.Gender and Sexual Orientation 2.Societal perspective on gender roles: boys vs. girls 3.Transgender vs. Transsexuals 

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