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Paper Abstract
As the globe is consistently becoming interrelated, and all its parts are becoming closer to each other, the global organizations are also becoming more determinant about what acceptable standards should be running in the workplace and around doing business, including non-profit activities. This fact has raised dilemmas and challenges to the local organizations in the Middle East to balance the local organizational cultures to the global guidelines and practices they want to be a part of. This research paper aims to discuss and identify commonalities on which the Mideastern organizations can establish solid, successful and sustainable future partnerships with the global business organizations. More governments in the region are being convinced to go in the direction of economic reform and private sector empowerment. This tendency asserts the necessity of effective collaboration with global organizations and pinpoints the importance of the twinning between local and global organizational culture. This research paper answers questions regarding identifying meaningful and actionable global partnerships that could initiate productive workplace and thriving organizational communication experiences for future opportunities and better workplace and environmental criteria.

Paper Overview
Some Middle East countries like Syria, Iraq, and Yamen are undergoing political and security turmoil. Some still have a running civil war, such as Syria and Iraq. Other countries in the region like Jordan and Saudi Arabia have decided to reform their economic system. Instead of continuing as command economies, they likely go into the free market system. Both the states, the countries with turmoil, and the countries with reform conditions, are presenting opportunities for the Middle East’s private sector.
The private sector in the Middle East, especially the new companies, will benefit from the post-conflict situation in the three countries: Syria, Iraq, and Yamen. As well as the private sector in the region will get benefits from the economic shift. The benefits will be many business opportunities starting from constructions, farming, services, education, healthcare, consultations, and much more.
In order to be able to cover such opportunities in the Middle East, the regional private sector needs to establish partnerships with international companies. Such partnerships will provide the regional companies with experiences, latest technology, funds, access to the international supply chains, and so. Such partnerships will also provide international companies with access to the Middle East market, especially in the countries that will pass the unrest situations.
International companies have specific organizational standards. These organizational standards or principles must be adopted or shared by the Middle East private sector companies so that international companies can do business and partnerships with them. For instance, human rights, fair wages, non-discrimination (gender, age, sexual orientation, religion), child labor, bureaucracy, and so on. Such standards make up an important part of any company’s organizational culture in the world, including the companies in the Middle East.
Therefore, the Middle East companies need to review their organizational cultures and make changes that require to eliminate any constraints that could prevent such international partnerships.

Thesis idea: (This is not intended to serve as a thesis. It’s an idea, for the writer’s reference.)

The post-conflict and economic reform processing conditions in some Middle East countries are the right time for the local companies to review their organizational cultures for change. Such change will serve as a quantum leap for the companies. Such quantum leaps will help connect the local companies to the global business system through partnerships, collaboration, and experience and technology exchange. Upon so, the middle east companies are through a significant opportunity to modernize their organizational cultural environment and to support their future growth and progress for more globalized and developed business.


1. The abstract and overview are only for the writer’s reference.
2. The abstract and overview are and must be the framework of the paper. The abstract and overview are not required to be plugged in the paper.
3. The title is “How the International Organization’s Standards Twin with the Middle East Organization’s Cultures for Successful Business Partnerships?”
4. Sub-titles are required.
5. There must be a thesis and conclusion.
6. The thesis of the paper must be underlined.
7. Ten decent, related sources. No hard book sources.
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