FORUMSWEEK 2Choose one of the following questions to answer and respond to at least four other postings.1. What was the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the Americas, Europe, and Africa?2. What role did Africans play in the expansion of the Atlantic slave trade? What role did Europeans play?3. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay had fled an established church and religious persecution in England. Why, then, did they promptly establish their own church and persecute dissenters?4. What was the role of the colonies in the British mercantilist system?5. In what ways did the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening prompt Americans to challenge traditional sources of authority?WEEK 3Please choose one of the following questions to answer:1. Who was to blame for Britain’s failure to win a quick victory over the American rebels: General Howe, General Burgoyne, or the ministers in London? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain your answer.2. Why have the Loyalists largely been forgotten in history? Do you believe they acted out of patriotism to Britain or out of self-interest? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain.3. How did Jeffersonian policy encourage expansions westward? Why did Jefferson and other expansionists believe the West was crucial to the well-being of the republic?4. How did the decisions of the Supreme Court between 1801-1820 affect the nation’s understanding of the Constitution? How did they change American society? WEEK 4Please choose one of the following questions to answer:1. How did the Louisiana Purchase transform America’s understanding of itself?2. Could the War of 1812 be considered America’s second war for independence? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain.3. How did republican ideas shape marital relations and expectations?4. Why did Jackson support Indian Removal? Did Removal help to preserve, or to destroy, Native American culture? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain your answer.5. In what ways did the emerging industrial economy conflict with artisan republicanism? How did wage laborers respond to the new economy?WEEK 5Please respond to one of the following initial questions;1. What were the main beliefs of transcendentalism, and how did American writers incorporate them into their work?2. How did black social thought change over the first half of the nineteenth century? What role did black activists play in the abolition movement?3. How do you explain the appearance of the women’s rights movement? What were its goals and why did they arouse intense opposition?4. By 1860, what different groups made up the South’s increasingly complex society? How did these groups interact in the political arena?” alt=”Topic folder”> WEEK 6Choose one of the following questions to discuss:1. What issues were resolved by the Compromise of 1850? Who benefited more from its terms, the North or the South? Why?2. What was Lincoln’s position on slavery in the 1850s? Did it differ from that of Stephen Douglas?3. In the first years of the war, what were the political and military strategies of each side? Which was the more successful? Why?4. How did the emancipation edict affect the politics and military affairs of the North?5. Why did the North win the Civil War?WEEK 7Choose one of the following questions to answer:1. Why did ex-slaves, struggling for freedom after emancipation resist working for wages?2. To what extent was President Johnson responsible for the radicalization of the Republican Party in 1866?3. Why did the ex-slaves’ struggle for land result in the sharecropping system?4. Do you believe that the failure of Reconstruction was primarily a failure of leadership? Or, do you think that the outcome might have been different had Lincoln lived, or had chosen a different vice president?WEEK 8In this forum I want you to provide me with your concluding thoughts about the topics you learned during the course. I do not want you to focus on all that you learned, but on at least 2 issues that you found of interest.ASSIGNMENTSAssignment InstructionsA Short Paper Assignment allows you, early in the course, to demonstrate your research skills to your instructor and to receive feedback that will benefit you when you write research papers for future courses. With this assignment, you will learn how to do proper research and write a short paper.You are allowed to choose your own topic, as long as it pertains to the subject of this course. If you have any questions on subject matter, please contact your instructor. This is your opportunity to look a little deeper at a subject that interests you.This short paper is at least three double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. Your bibliography and citations may be in APA, Research essay writing service – MLA, or Chicago Style format. Students majoring in history must use Chicago Style format.The short paper needs to be turned in through the assignment section for grading. If you use any of the information from your sources word-for-word, you must cite the source by using endnotes, footnotes, or parenthetical citations. If you read the information and write it in your own words and it is not common knowledge, then you must cite the source because you are paraphrasing someone’s information.The short paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date. You must also include a bibliography at the end of your paper. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper. Please label your paper as follows: lastnamefirstnameHIST101ShortPaper.Assignment InstructionsTopic: the actions of the state you live in during the Civil War—if you are deployed or in a state with no involvement email Dr T for an assigned state.A Short Paper Assignment allows you, early in the course, to demonstrate your research skills to your instructor and to receive feedback that will benefit you when you write research papers for future courses. With this assignment, you will learn how to do proper research and write a short paper.A Short Paper Assignment allows you, early in the course, to demonstrate your research skills to your instructor and to receive feedback that will benefit you when you write research papers for future courses. With this assignment, you will learn how to do proper research and write a short paper.This short paper is at least three double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. As for bibliographies and citations, history and military history students should become familiar with the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) format for citations and the bibliography. The CMS is the standard format for historians. As such, it is our responsibility to ensure that you use this format so that you become comfortable with it during your undergraduate years. Non-history majors can use APA or Research essay writing service – MLA as the citation and reference style used in written work submitted for this course.The short paper needs to be turned in through the assignment section for grading. If you use any of the information from your sources word-for-word, you must cite the source by using endnotes or footnotes. If you read the information and write it in your own words and it is not common knowledge, then you must cite the source because you are paraphrasing someone’s information.The short paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date. You must also include a bibliography at the end of your paper. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper. Please label your paper as follows: lastnamefirstnameHIST101ShortPaper.

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