Applied Technology Systems: Adoption of New Technology Systems is the assignment.
As a nurse, you have the ability to make a significant difference in the success or failure of the implementation of electronic health records. In order to face the obstacles of transitioning to a fundamentally different way of doing things, it is critical for nurses to understand their position as change agents as well as the ways in which they can influence their colleagues.
Individual attitudes for accepting new technology are determined by five characteristics, according to Everett Rogers, a pioneer in the field of dissemination of innovations who recognized them (2003). He hypothesized that persons are concerned with the following:
The individual who adopts the new innovation must perceive how it will be an improvement over the old way of doing things. This is referred to as the relative advantage.
Conformity with existing values and practices: The adopter must comprehend how the new innovation is compatible with existing values and practices.
Simplicity: The adopter must believe that he or she will be able to simply grasp the new technology; the more difficult it appears to be to learn the new system, the greater the likelihood that resistance will arise.
Ability to “play around” with and learn about the new technology: The adopter should be able to “play around” with and learn about the new technology.
Results that can be observed: The adopter must be able to demonstrate that the suggested innovation has been successful in other instances.
I need help writing my essay – research paper keep in mind that you are under no obligation to purchase Rogers’ book or to seek additional information on his list of five attributes. This information is adequate to complete this Assignment with the information provided here. The whole reference for Rogers’ work is supplied below the due date on this page, just below the due date itself.
You will play the role of a nurse facilitator in a small hospital in upstate New York for the purposes of this Assignment. During your time at work, you’ve been working on getting ready for the deployment of a new electronic health records system. Your team has completed the selection of the software package to be utilized, and you are now in charge of educating and preparing nurses for the transition to the new system. Nurses have expressed a strong undercurrent of opposition, and you must take into consideration their concerns. In order to prepare for the new EHR training, you have organized a meeting with the nurses one week before the training takes place. Incorporate the five qualities identified by Rogers (2003) to assist in preparing nurses for the impending deployment of your strategy.
in order to prepare
This week, take a look at the Learning Resources for information on successful EHR installations.
Think about how you would present the new EHR system to the nurses in order to gain their acceptance for the system.
Make a list of the five characteristics that Rogers identifies. What steps could be taken to increase the likelihood of success in each of these areas?
Week 6 has reached its seventh day.
Prepare a 3- to 5-page document that includes the following information:
Consider Rogers’ (2003) theory as a starting point for developing your strategy for meeting with the nurses. Specific information or actions that you could provide to address each area should be specified, as should your plan for dealing with any resistance that you could encounter.
In this assignment, you will examine the role of nurses as change agents in enabling the adoption of new technology.